History of Astronomy Timeline

  • 322 BCE


    Aristotle - “The Great Philosopher” Proved earth is round. Believed that is was center of Universe.
  • 170 BCE


    He was an astronomer who used Hipparchus’ extensive observation to develop a model that predicted movements of Sun, Moon, planets and stars. His model was named after his last name “Ptolemy System” which showed the Solar System was centered around Earth and assumed all astronomical objects moved at constant speed in a circle.
  • 120 BCE


    Hipparchus - Widely considered to be the greatest astronomer of ancient times. Came up with scale to define brightness of stars. Calculated distance between earth and moon. Came up with first catalog of stars.
  • 1543


    He was an astronomer who made a model of the universe that showed what he believed which is that Earth was not the center of the Solar System, he believed that the Sun was the center.
  • Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    Tycho Brahe - He believed that universe was a blend of Ptolemaic and Copernican and also created a model in which planets orbit the sun and sun orbits the Earth.
  • Refracting telescope

    Refracting telescope
    Type of optical telescope that uses a lens as its objective to form an image. The refracting telescope design was originally used in spy glasses and astronomical telescopes but is also used for long focus camera lenses.
  • Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    Invented telescope that goes 3x. First who tried to obtain a patent for it.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    He inherited his teachers extensive collection of astronomical records. He was Brahe’s assistant and worked with him. Used them to develop three laws of planetary motion.
  • Galileo

    Father of observational astronomy. Discovered sunspots, and invented telescope. Discovered four moons orbiting Jupiter. Moons named as, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
  • Giovanni Cassini

    Giovanni Cassini
    First to discovery division rings of Saturn. Found four moons orbiting Saturn and measured the periods of rotation of Mars and Jupiter.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    He was an english mathematician, astronomer, theologian, author and physiatrist who is widely known for most influential scientist of all the time a key figure in scientific revolution. Most famous for his law of gravitation. His first public major invention was a reflecting telescope.
  • Reflecting telescope

    Reflecting telescope
    Uses a single or combination of curved mirrors the reflect light and form an image.
  • William Herschel

    William Herschel
    He realized that one celestial body he had observed was not a star, it was a planet called Uranus. It was the first planet discovered since antiquity and Herschel became famous overnight. Preformed a simple experiment determine the temperature of he different colors of sunlight passed through a prism. He noticed the region just beyond the red color was even higher than light in the visible spectrum, and used his measurements to deduce the presence of whats now known to be infrared radiation.
  • Percival Lowell

    Percival Lowell
    He is best known for fueling speculation that there was life on mars. It had a huge impact on development on science fiction.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    His researched helped prove that the earth is expanding. He revolutionized cosmology by proving the clouds of light astronomers saw in the night sky were actually galaxies beyond our milky way. In 1929 he identified the relationship between a galaxies distance and the speed of which it moves.
  • Karl Jansky

    Karl Jansky
    First discovered radio waves emanating from the milky way.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    He is famous for finding gravity. He also invented the refrigerator and the absorption heat pump. He also did the creation of the equation E=mc2 which stands for energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.
  • Sputnik

    The world’s first artificial satellite and it was about the size of a beach ball and took about 98 minutes to orbit the earth on its elliptical path. The launch of the Sputnik served to intensify the arms of race and raise cold war tensions.
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    He was the first human to journey into outer space when his Vostok spacecraft and completed the orbit of earth.
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    Famed first american became first american to orbit earth, circling it three times.
  • Apollo Missions

    Apollo Missions
    Was designed to land people on the moon and bring them back safely, it was the third United States human spaceflight program carried out by national Aeronautics and Space administration which accomplished landing first humans on the moon.
  • Ejnar Hertzsprung

    Ejnar Hertzsprung
    He classified types of stars by their color and absolute brightness.
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    He was the first person to step foot/walk on the moon. He was also a engineer.
  • First Space Shuttle Flight

    First Space Shuttle Flight
    Forth human spaceflight carried out by national Aeronautics and Space administration which accomplished routine transportation for Earth-To-Orbit crew and cargo.
  • Mars Pathfinder Expedition

    Mars Pathfinder Expedition
    Designed as a technology demonstration of a new way to deliver an instrumented lander and the first ever robotic rover to the surface the red planet.Pathfinder not only accomplished this goal.
  • Cassini Orbiter

    Cassini Orbiter
    One of the most ambitious missions ever launched into space. Loaded with an array of powerful instruments and cameras, the spacecraft was capable of taking accurate measurements and detailed images in a variety of atmospheric conditions and light spectra.
  • SpaceX Falcon Heavy

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy
    partially reusable heavy-lift launch vehicle designed and manufactured by SpaceX.