History of Atomic Theory

  • 400 BCE


    He was a Greek free thinker and he believed that everything was made up of small atoms. He also thought water was small orbs and were able to move freely while iron was jagged and clung to each other forming a solid. He also claimed that atoms are indivisible and eternal.
  • John Dalton discovered that there are different types of atoms for different types of elements.

    John Dalton discovered that there are different types of atoms for different types of elements.
    John Dalton was one of the first people to take meteorology seriously and record weather patterns. Some time around 1800 He invented the atomic theory that proved, there are different types of atoms for different types of elements. He also researched color blindness and found out it was hereditary. He also made the law partial pressure and the law of thermal expansion
  • JJ Thompson's discovery of electrons

    JJ Thompson's discovery of electrons
    JJ Thomson was a english physicist he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 and he discovered the electrons during his experiments with cathode rays (streams of electrons viewed in a vacuum tube) and neon.
  • Robert Millikan determined the electrical charge of a single electron.

    Robert Millikan determined the electrical charge of a single electron.
    American scientist Robert Millikan used the oil-drop experiment to make this discovery. He also discovered and named cosmic rays.
  • Discovery of the Nucleus of the Atom by Ernest Rutherford

    Discovery of the Nucleus of the Atom by Ernest Rutherford
    British scientist Ernest Rutherford observed alpha particles scattering backwards when fired at gold foil. Which allowed him to make the discovery of the nucleus and then giving him the knowledge to create the Rutherford Model. He also separated and named gamma, alpha, and beta radiation, and won a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1908,
  • Ernest Rutherford discovers the nucleus of the atom.

    Ernest Rutherford discovers the nucleus of the atom.
  • Creation of Neil Bohr's Atomic Model

    Creation of Neil Bohr's Atomic Model
    Dutch physicist Neil Bohr conducted a series of experiments that led him to propose a model of an atom in which the electron was able to occupy only certain orbits around the nucleus. He also won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1932 for his discoveries.
  • Erwin Schrödinger Created the Wave Equation

    Erwin Schrödinger Created the Wave Equation
    Austrian theoretical physicist Schrödinger produced papers that gave the foundations of quantum wave mechanics. He then became unhappy with quantum mechanics and presented the Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment, in which he attempted to show the absurdity of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. He also served in the military in WWII.
  • James Chadwick proved the existence of neutrons

    James Chadwick proved the existence of neutrons
    Chadwick made this discovery by using a neutron chamber in his experiments. Chadwick interpreted that the radiation was composed of particles of mass almost equal to that of the proton but without the electrical charge.