When Damocriutus born.
Damocriuts was born in 460 BC and he died in 370 BC. -
Aristotel Major Contribution.
Transfromed Damocritus ideas on atom into a modern atomic theory. -
J. J. Thompson Major contrubution
Discoered elctrons. -
Rober Millikan Majro contrubution
Determiend the mass and charge of th e electron -
Ernest Rutheford Major construbution
discovered ducleus -
nelis bohr major construbution
propsed that an electrons found only in specfic cricular path or path or orbit around the the nuculs. -
Sir james chadwick major consrtrbution
confrimed the exitensed of nutrons in the nuclues -
Jhpn delton Mjaor constribution
stated that all substanc are made 4 element are fire air water earth