322 BCE
Aristotle: A Greek philosopher he was born in 384 B.C.. Enrolled into Plato's Academy at 17. He wrote about the observations of natural phenomena and that is still alive today. He created a sound grasp between theory of scientific method and observations. First person to build a research library. Explored the relationships of scientific discipline. He also assined his lectures into a syllabus. -
Ptolemy: He believed the earth was in the center of the universe. He was an astronomer. He claimed that the earth revolved around the sun even though he didnt have any evidence to prove his belief. H edeveloped a table that helped other astronomers predict the next eclips. They could also use it the predict where plantes are placed. -
Copernicus: Astronomer, created the sun centred system -
Tycho Brahe
Tycho Brahe: the last Naked eye astronomer. He made the most accurate celesTial observations. He proved that supernova never changed in it’s surroundings. He denyed that the heavens never changes. He built an observatory so he could observe the heavens. He tracked orbits and they were the most precise observations of that time. His observations changed science because he revealed flaws. -
Galileo: Italian scientist, he developed his own telescope. He used this telescope to observe the universe. He prooved Venus rotated around the sun. He proved the theory of the Earth being in the center of the universe wrong. He built a hydrostatic balance to measure small things. -
Hans Lippershey
Hans Lippershey: Dutch Inventor. He assotieated with the invention of the first telescope. -
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler: German scientist. Best known for laws of planetary motions. -
Giovanni Cassini
Giovanni Cassini: Involved with the first observations of saturn's moons. He served as a professor of astronomy. He was the first to make accurate measurements of longitude using a method of Galileo. He also discovered the rings of Saturn. -
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton: He layed the foundation for physical optics. He made the origonal discovery calculus. -
William Herschel
William Herschel: He determined the age of a cluster of stars based on how close or far apart they are. He assumed that all star were equally as bright. He observed 2,500 nebulae in the span of 20 years. -
Percival Lowell
Percival Lowell: He built an observatory in Phoenix Arizona. He discovered lots of canals or what he thought were canals on Mars. He had a theory that their was life on Mars though that theory was not true because years later scientists with more advanced telescopes found no canals on mars and stated it was not possible for their to be life on mars. -
Ejnar Hertzsprung
Ejnar Hertzsprung: Astronomy runs in the family. Famous for variations of widths of stellar lines. Studied photochemistry. -
Albert Einstein
Albert Eintein: He created two hypothesis; 1 That the laws of physics have to hard the same form, 2 Thatthe speed of light was a constant. He demonstraited that mass and energy were equal. -
Edwin Hubble
He discovered the cosmos. The first to demonstrate existence of other galaxies other then the milky way. He also showed the universe is always expanding. -
Karl Jansky
Wanted to investigate using short waves. for a year he studied the first type of static and it rose once a day. He realized the strongest radiation signal was by the milky way. -
Yuri Gagarin
Joined Russian airforce. first human to orbit the earth. -
World's first artificial satellite the size of a beach ball. -
John Glenn
NASA astronaut. part of the first NASA astronaut group picked. First american to orbit the earth. His first mission was called the Mercury Seven. -
The Apollo Program
astronauts made a total of 11 flights and landed on the moon. Six of seven flights landed on the moon. 12 astronauts walked the moon. They collected rocks off the moon to bring back to earth. -
Neil Armstrong
First person to walk of the moon. -
First Space Shuttle Flight
fourth human spaceflight program -
Mars Pathfinder Expedition
Cassini Orbiter
Historic exploration of Saturn. -
Difference between refracting and reflecting telescopes
Refracting:Gathers the light from far away objects and magnifies them. uses two lenses.
Reflecting: Uses two mirrors instead of two lenses. Developed by Issac Newton. -
January 6: New Moon
The moon is located on the same side of the earth as the sun so it's not visible. Phase occurs at 01:28 UTC. There is no moonlight.