History of Astronomy

By 915090
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    He was born in Egypt, which at that time was part of the Roman Emipre,in 90 AD (they do not know a day or month). He thought that the earth was the center of the Universe. He worked in Egypt.
  • Feb 14, 1473


    He was born inn Poland on th date above. He was the first scientist to say the Universe rotates around the sun, not the earth. He did his work in Poland and Italy.
  • Dec 27, 1517

    Jahannes Kepler

    He has born in germany, on date above. He descovered the three major laws of Planetary motion.He alsomimproved the refracting telescope He did his work in Chez Republic.
  • Dec 14, 1546

    Tycho Brache

    He was born in Dennmark (on the date obove). He thought that te Sun rotated around the Earth and the other planets rotated around the sun.He worked in Dennmark.
  • Feb 15, 1564


    He was brorn in Itlay on the date above. He ,ade improvements on the telescope and discovered moons of Juipiter. He lived in Itlay.
  • first reflecting telescope

    It was built my Issac Newton, in England. It uses a concave mirror and a flat diagonal mirror. This is one of the first funcioning telescopes
  • Spiral Nebuala was discovered

    It was dicovered by Lord Rosse. It was also drawn and it was forst seen in Ireland.
  • scientist learn how to put silver on glass

    This dicovery allowed the glass to be more relfective. This lead to better teliscopes. The german Scientist figured it out. It does not say who does this first
  • Hbble Telescope was Launched

    The Hubble Telescope was built by NASA. The hubble was built and lanched from th United Sates.
  • Firts Radio Teliscope

    The firstradioo telescope was built innIllinios by Grote Reber. It detects radio waves from space