Steinbach History of Astronomy

  • 384 BCE


    Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist and made many impacts on what we know today.Aristotle was taught by Plato but after he died Aristotle went on to teaching Alexander the great. Aristotle also opened his own school where he did lots of writing Aristotle.Aristotle belived that Earth was the center of the solar system and that Earth itself was not a perfect sphere but stars and planets were.Aristotle was also one of the first to study plants and animals.
  • 100


    Ptolemy was a very influential Greek astronomer and geographer of of his time. He is known for having his works discussed and argued by many. Depending on which historian you reading from, they portray Ptolemy different. Some say he was a top rank mathematician, some say he was very good at explaining complicated ideas and some accused him of errors in what he said.
  • 1473


    (1473-1543) Copernicus was in a time where every one though the planets and sun revolved around the Earth.But Copernicus believed that the planets revolved around the sun and not the Earth.When Copernicus developed his new idea no one believed the planets revolved around the sun.Though Copernicus's was not all right he did simplify the under standing of the universe.Copernicus also advanced the knowledge of the time it takes each planes to revolve around the sun.
  • 1546

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    (1546-1601) Tycho Brahe like Copernicus helped with the discovery of the way our solar system works.Brahe helped show people that the sun and other planets do not revolve around the Earth .Earth and the other planets revolved around the sun.He also took close notes about the stars and sky. With the notes he discovered a new star and he build a device that measured the stars.Later the king of Denmark offered his own island and he continued his studies there.
  • 1564


    (1564-1642) Galileo was an Italian astronomer that made a significant difference in science.Galileo did not invent the telescope but he did make improvements to it so he could see about 9 times farther than the original telescope. Galileo also found four of Jupiter largest moons. Galileo saw then using a telescope and when he first spotted the moons he tough they were stars and watched and studied them for weeks.
  • 1570

    Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    (1570-16190) Hans Lippershey is know for the invention of the telescope. Lippershay was a eyeglass maker and discovered the telescope by putting tow lenses together and seeing great distance close up. Lippershey claimed his devise could see three times the magnification. Lippershey,s designed had a concave lenses and was lined with convex lenses.
  • 1571

    Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    1571-1630 Johannes Kepler is known for creating the three major laws of planetary motion.The first law is all the planets move in a elliptical path around and the sun in the focus.The second law is a line connecting planets and sun which is where the planes is farther from the sun or closer the time will be the same but the distance will be different. The third law is the closer the planet is to the sun the shorter the orbit and farther the longer the orbit.
  • Giovanni Cassini

    Giovanni Cassini
    (1625-1712) Giovanni Cassini made many discoveries during the scientific revolution.One of his greatest discoveries was finding out Saturn had multiple rings now just one whole one.Cassini also made a another discovery with Saturn he found four of its largest moons. Cassini also took some credit for finding the red spot on Jupiter.Cassini studied comets and worked on planetary.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    (1643-1712) Sir Isaac Newton is considered to be one of the greatest minds during the scientific revolution.Newton created three laws of motion .The first law being if an object is in a state of form it will remain that way till force act on it .The second law is the larger the mass the more force it will take to move that item.The third law is for every action made there will be an opposite reaction to it.
  • Reflecting and refracting telescope's

    Reflecting and refracting telescope's
    (1668) The telescope may look similar in appearance but the way they magnify objects are very different. One way they are different is the reflecting telescope uses curved mirrors instead of curved lenses.The refractor telescope uses convex (concaved) leases so it will be able to focus on the light this telescope is also much better for seeing the stars and observing the planets.
  • William Herschel

    William Herschel
    (1738-1822) William Hershel Found interest in telescope's and used them too look at planets and stars.Hershel made and build his own telescope's with stronger magnification so he our see farther.With the stringer magnification Herschel was able to spot Uranus and two of it's moons.Hershel also studied what stars were made of and found out the direction the solar system was moving.
  • Percival Lowell

    Percival Lowell
    (1855-1916) Percival Lowell was an astronomer, mathematician and author .Lowell opened his own observatory in Arizona where he continued most of his work.Lowell beloved that there were more planets past mars and that planet was not discovered until after Lowell died.Another one of Lowell's observations was that there could be life on planet mars .Lowell also took part in the discovery of canals on mars.
  • Ejnar Hertzsprung

    Ejnar Hertzsprung
    (1873-1967)Hertzsprung is well knows for creating the Hertzsprung-russell diagram. This diagram shows the stars scattered all around. The plot compares many different things with the stars one of the is their absolute magnitudes verses there luminosities verses there temperature or stellar classification.When this diagram was made it was a mach better way for understanding the stars.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    (1879-1955)Albert Einstein was a physicist who made great differences in this world. He is best known for this paper on matter and energy which proposed the equation E=MC2. This equation actually helped with the development of the atomic bomb. He won the Nobel prize in 1921 for his discovery of the photoelectric effect which is the transfer of energy from the light to electrons.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    (1889-1953) Edwin Hubble is famous for proving other scientists wrong about galaxy's . All the scientists though that is the distance in space the cloudy light but Hubble proved them wrong.Hubble identified the clouds as galaxy in the distance past the Milky Way .He also figured out that the farther the galaxy the faster it moves this is also known as
  • Karl jansky

    Karl jansky
    (1905-1950)Karl Jansky is knows as the father of radio waves because of what he discovered that came of of the center of the Milky Way. Jansky found out that the center of the Milky Way lets out radio waves .He found this out while trying to find what Was wrong with the communication and to find this out he build an antenna. with this he could detect all the signals except one signal and that was the one coming off the Milky Way.
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    (1930-2012) Armstrong and 2 other men flying on Apollo 11 were the First men to ever land on the moon. Though they were not the first ones up in space they were the first on the moon.Armstrong also previously preformed the docking of two space craft successfully . Armstrong also won the presidential medal for space honor.
  • sputnik

    (1957) Sputnik was around the size of a beach ball but it weighed over 100 pounds.Sputnik was the first artificial satellite in space.The satellite could detect the atmospheres density by its drag on the orbit and gave scientist lost of valuable information about the atmosphere and space.The satellite signal only lasted for about 21 days.
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    (1961) Gagarin was the first ever person in space. His flight lasted 108 minutes as he orbited earth in the space craft Soviet union's Vostok spacecraft .The space craft was first tested with a dog before any human really went up there. This was a Hugh accomplishment for scientists now knowing how to get up to space and actually sending someone up to space
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    (1962) Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth three times.John was apart of the Mercury seven and that was military pilots choses by NASA as some of the first pilots ever.John spent around 5 hours hours in space and traveled over 17000 miles per hour.John hen retired but injured himself so he was unable to run for senate.
  • Apollo program

    Apollo program
    (1963-1972) The Apollo program was set up when President John F. Kennedy challenged the nation to see who could land the most astronauts on the moon in 10 years. This is when NASA created the Apollo program to send astronauts up into space and to the moon. The program sent up eleven different space crafts in the span of 10 years with no problems besides the a malfunction with Apollo 13 but was able to land them safely.
  • The first space shuttle flight

    The first space shuttle flight
    (1981) The first space shuttle was a huge advancement in making and sending off space crafts .The shuttle was so great because it had reusable parts so once the shuttle made its mission in space and came back to Earth when they landed in the ocean they could go recover parts.For example after the space shuttle landed in the ocean they could go recover the rocket boosters which are what launch the rocket into space so they would not have to spend more time and money building a new one.
  • Mars Pathfinder Expedition

    Mars Pathfinder Expedition
    (1994) Mars Pathfinder was and amazing new way to collect data from the planes Mars without actually going there.The pathfinder could do almost the same amount of work on the planet that an astronaut could do . For example it took over 10,000 pictures if the red planet it was able to return over one billion bits of data back to NASA . The pathfinder could even collect some data about the chemicals from rocks and the soil on the planet .
  • cassini orbiter

    cassini orbiter
    (1997)Cassini orbiter was able to collect data for planet Saturn .The orbiter also had the Huygens probe with is on the way to Saturn.The Huygens probe went to Saturns largest moon Titan and descended with a parachute onto Titan.Cassini did not go to the moon it went to the actual planet Saturn .The Cassini could see wave length of light and energy and was able to give data and the atmosphere and what it was like at the planet.
  • solar eclipse

    solar eclipse
    (2018) The solar eclipse happens about every two to four years and is where the sun is completely covered by the moon so the sky goes black. The moon moves a little farter away from Earth each year and right now is moon appears to be the same size as the sun. The eclipse happens at the phase of a new moon when the Earth, sun and moon align to create a shadow over Earth.