Typewriter Invented
Pellegrino Turri invented the typewrtier to help a friend of his who was blind to be able to write legibly. Image retrieved from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia (n.d.) -
Braille was invented
"In 1879, the American Printing House for the Blind received a $10,000 grant from Congress to produce materials in Braille" (GCU Notes). Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons (n.d.) -
Personal Compters are Available
This was a great invention to assist people but at the time also very costly. If you could afford one it could help you talk to text, delete and retype and could even speak for you! Image retrieved from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia (n.d.) -
Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act
This law also know as the Tech Act, provides funding to support the provision of AT services (GCU Notes). Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons (n.d.) -
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act) adopted Tech Act's definition of assistive technology and stated that all children receiveing special education services should be considered for assistive technology. Image retrieved from Deviant Art (n.d.) -
IDEA Definition Change
The 2004 IDEA changed the definition of assistive technology by excluding any surgically implanted device. Image retrieved from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia (n.d.)