
History of Artifical Intelligence

  • Alan Turing suggests that a universal machine can do any calculation.

    Alan Turing suggests that a universal machine can do any calculation.
  • Arthur Samuel develops a Checkers game that can learn its mistakes.

    Arthur Samuel develops a Checkers game that can learn its mistakes.
  • Norbert Weiner writes the book Cybernetics

    Norbert Weiner writes the book Cybernetics
  • Turing suggests that machines could one day have intelligence

    Turing suggests that machines could one day have intelligence
  • W. Grey Walter develops a 'tortoise' that moves under its own power

    W. Grey Walter develops a 'tortoise' that moves under its own power
  • John McCarthy coins the term artifical intelligence

    John McCarthy coins the term artifical intelligence
  • LISP is introduced by McCarthy

    LISP is introduced by McCarthy
  • Norbert Weiner says that if comp's could think like humans it would be both effective and dangerous

    Norbert Weiner says that if comp's could think like humans it would be both effective and dangerous
  • Samuel beaten by checkers playing program

    Samuel beaten by checkers playing program
  • Dr Frank Rosenblatt that a neutral system can recognise visual patterns

    Dr Frank Rosenblatt that a neutral system can recognise visual patterns
  • Dr Weizenbaum creates ELIZA

    Dr Weizenbaum creates ELIZA
  • Fuzzy Logic created by Zadeh

    Fuzzy Logic created by Zadeh
  • Work commences on DENDRAL, the first expert system

    Work commences on DENDRAL, the first expert system
  • Shakey (a robot), is developed to manipulate blocks

    Shakey (a robot), is developed to manipulate blocks
  • Minsky and Perpert prove percpetions aren't the basis for a computer

    Minsky and Perpert prove percpetions aren't the basis for a computer
  • Terry Winograd develops SHRUDLU

    Terry Winograd develops SHRUDLU
  • PROLOG is developed

    PROLOG is developed
  • MYCIN is produced

    MYCIN is produced
  • Hearsay is introduced

    Hearsay is introduced
  • Work on a sheep shearing robot begins

    Work on a sheep shearing robot begins
  • A backgammon robot defeats the world champion

    A backgammon robot defeats the world champion
  • Interest resparked in AI

    Interest resparked in AI
  • Japan announces the $M400 Project

    Japan announces the $M400 Project
  • The system Q&A is produced

    The system Q&A is produced
  • Significant advances in problem solving involving patterns

    Significant advances in problem solving involving patterns
  • US Military use AI systems

    US Military use AI systems
  • Voice recognition used in home computers

    Voice recognition used in home computers
  • ALICE, wins the Loebner Prize for the Turing Test

    ALICE, wins the Loebner Prize for the Turing Test
  • Sony Pets (AIBO) are developed

    Sony Pets (AIBO) are developed
  • Trilobyte developed by Electrolux, is a robot vacuum cleaner

    Trilobyte developed by Electrolux, is a robot vacuum cleaner
  • ASIMO is made and can walk and run

    ASIMO is made and can walk and run