History of Aquaculture

  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1000 BCE

    First Evidence

    S.Y. Lin, a famous Chinese Aquaculturist, considered the first recoreded evidence of aquaculture to be in the years of 2000 to 1000 BC. But there has been evidence that aquaculture even started before 2000 BC
  • 681 BCE

    Discovered Polyculture

    First use of polyculture was discovered
  • 600 BCE

    Ancient Rome Aquaculture

    In Europe,Aquaculture was first seen in Ancient Rome. Th Romans loved Sea Fish and Oysters, so they created Oyster Farms. They created the Assyrian Vivarium, which is a 'swimming pool' for fish that were caught and were put in it until they were big enough to eat
  • 475 BCE

    Fan Li

    It was this year when Politician Fan Li, wrote his book "The Classic Of Fish Culture". He was the first to record and describe the use and structure of fish ponds. How he described the method of propagation of Carp and the growth of the carp's fry.
  • Period: 1200 to

    Mussel Farming

    Mussel Farming was invented in the 13th century and didn't change until the 1960's
  • 1300

    Artificial Carp Farms

    Artificial Carp Farms were invented during the Renaissance years
  • Artificial Farming

    Artificial Farming was further enhanced by the Germans in the 18th during the Enlightenment Age
  • 20th Century

    In Anglo-Belgian colonies in Africa, for the first 50 years of the 20th century, other fish were used to either help fight Malaria or as A food source.
  • Artificial Food

    Artificial food was invented help further progress Aquaculture
  • Marine Fish Aquaculture

    In the 1970's, Marine Aquaculture became more popular because the materials needed to do so, became cheeper and less expensive
  • World wide importance

    Early 21st century, Aquaculture was seen as a huge importance world wide
  • FAO

    Global Production Farming of aquatic plants and animals greatly increased from the amount of Global Production Farming in 2013