The first use of these were on warfare and still to this day are used in war by the navy, but with different models of course.
https://newatlas.com/go/3715/ -
The fridge was a big change in the food preparation game. It saved milk from spoiling, and meat from rotting. We all have one today. all different models than the rest, but they are very useful and every american home has one.
https://www.fridgefilters.com/fridgepedia-brief-history-of-refrigerators.html -
Keyboards is the only way to type on a modern day computer, usually people now a days are very fast typer’s because a lot of jobs require that now.
https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001802.htm -
Microphones help us speak louder in front of a large crowd and help us present what ever we need or to sing.
https://www.wired.com/2011/01/birth-of-the-microphone/ -
The lightbulb
The light bulb is how we see in our everyday lives in a dark room, without light bulbs our lives would be pretty dark.
https://www.bulbs.com/learning/history.aspx -
Cars revolutionized the world, their how we get from place to place ever single day, they are time efficient and easy.
https://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/auto.html -
Guns were and still are essential today for hunting, war and other various activities, they have change a lot, and there are many kinda of them
http://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/technique/gun-timeline/ -
Planes are a very common form of travel used everyday by hundreds of thousands of people, they are quick, fascinating, and time saving.
https://www.history.com/news/in-connecticut-wright-brothers-no-longer-first-in-flight -
TVs are great for your favorite TVs shows, getting important news and weather alerts and commercial adds for company’s and businesses
https://bebusinessed.com/history/history-of-the-television/ -
Computers changed the world, it saves all of our information, files, pictures, and lets us access anything we want by browsing items through the internet.
https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000984.htm -
Remote Control
The Remote Control was a big hit and made things a lot easier to switch channels on the TV. Before you had to go up to the TV and turn multiple nobs but know with a click of a button you can have any channel you want
https://www.metv.com/stories/a-history-of-the-television-remote-control-as-told-through-its-advertising -
iPhones were a big hit when they came out, and became even bigger as the years go by. They have changed our lives by calling and texting people and now with all the different apps.
http://historycooperative.org/the-history-of-the-iphone/ -
Robots are becoming more and more advanced everyday. Some are now trying to create human feelings. They can be very helpful and in my opinion will soon be taking over more and more jobs
https://www.wired.com/story/wired-guide-to-robots/ -
VR sets
VR sets are becoming the future of classrooms. It also might be the future for future surgeons. To learn how to operate in Virtual reality is amazing.
https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html -
Drones will be the future of shipping mail from place to place. Not only can they do that, they can film videos from high above places and collect data. in the future drones will probably be shipping larger mail packages and be sent from across seas.