"Pinocchio" (1940)
On February 23 of 1940. Walt Disney pictures released their animated rendition of "Adventures of Pinocchio" by Carl Collodi. The film follows the story of a puppet boy who's nose grows each time he tells a lie! With an estimated budget of $2.6 million dollars, the movie has gone on to make $84.3 million dollars! -
"Bambi" (1942)
On August 21st of 1942, Walt Disney picture's "Bambi" went into theaters. The film follows the story of a young deer who is regarded as the "Prince of the Forest" at birth and grows up to become fond of the wilderness and it's creatures while also following the story of his mother. With a crazy small budget for a film of it's quality at only about $850 thousand dollars, the movie has gone on to make just over $100 million! -
"Cinderella" (1950)
On March 4th of 1950, Walt Disney Pictures released an animated rendition of the classic Cinderella story. With an estimated budget of only $2.9 million, the film grossed $34.1 million dollars! -
"Lady and the Tramp" (1955)
On June 2nd of 1955, Walt Disney Pictures released "Lady and the Tramp", a cute picture following the love story of two dogs Lady and Tramp. Spending only $4 million dollars, the movie made a sky high profit of $93.6 million dollars. -
"Sleeping Beauty" (1959)
On February 6th of 1959, Walt Disney pictures released their animated rendition of the classic fairy tale, "Sleeping Beauty" following the story of a Princess who can only be awakened by her true love's kiss. With a budget of $60 million, the movie went on to gross $51.6 million dollars! -
"The Jungle Book" (1967)
On December 7th of 1967, Walt Disney Pictures released their original motion picture "The Jungle Book", that follows the story of a boy named Mowgli who has been raised by Wolves. When he is still in his pre-teen years, he is forced to leave his family due to disagreements between the animals of the jungle and live on his own. With a budget of only $4 million, the movie has gone on to gross $141.8 million dollars! -
"Aladdin" (1992)
On November 25, 1992, Walt Disney Pictures released "Aladdin", an animated picture following the story of a poor young man living on the streets who suddenly stumbles across a beautiful princess. The movie's $28 million dollar budget was eventually dwarfed by it's enormous profit of $217.35 million dollars. -
"Monster's Inc." (2001)
In 2001, Disney released "Monster's Inc." on November 2nd. The story following the two monsters Sully and Mike, ended up grossing an enormous profit of $289.9 million dollars afters spending only $115 million. -
"Finding Nemo" (2003)
On May 30th of 2003, Disney Pixar released "Finding Nemo" an animated film following the story of two clown fish, father and son, who are separated at the beginning of the film when a scuba diver captures the son, "Nemo", starting a domino effect which ultimately leads to an epic adventure. With a budget of $94 million, the movie managed to gross $380.8 million dollars, a fat profit. -
"Shrek 2" (2004)
On May 19th of 2004, Dreamworks Animation released the second installment of the Shrek series "Shrek 2", which continues to follow the story of a lovable green ogre and his friend Donkey. With an estimated budget of $150 million dollars, the movie went on to gross $436.4 million! -
"Toy Story 3" (2010)
On June 18th of 2010, Disney Pixar released "Toy Story 3" ,the third installment in the "Toy Story" series. The movie follows a group of fun loving toys that begin a new life inside of a local day care. The movie doubled the $200 million dollar budget, grossing $414.9 million dollars.