History of animation

The History of Animation

  • Thaumatrope

    This device was created in 1827 by English physician, John Ayerton Paris, which has two different drawings on opposite sides of a disk.
  • The Birth of Photography

    The Birth of Photography
    Animation on film was only possible because of the invention of photography in 1827 by Joseph Niepce.
  • Phenakistostope

    Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau and his sons introduced the phenakistoscope (spindle viewer). It used a spinning disc attached vertically toa handle.
  • Zoetrope

    This device was invented in 1834 by William Horner, who originally called it a Daedalum (Wheel of the Devil), later renamed as (Wheel of Life).
  • During the American Civil War

    During the American Civil War
    During the American Civil War in 1860-1865, New York photographer Matthew Brady became well-known by taking photos of the war.
  • Praxinoscope

    Was invented in France in 1877 by Charles Emile Reynaud, improved on the Zoetrope by replacing its narrow viewing slits with an inner circle of mirrors.
  • "A Trip To The Moon"

    "A Trip To The Moon"
    In 1902, George Melies made his most famous film, "A Trip To The Moon".
  • "Felix The Cat"

    "Felix The Cat"
    In 1919, Otto Messmer created "Felix The Cat" for the PAt Sullivan Studios.
  • First Animation With Sound

    First Animation With Sound
    The first animation with sound was "Steamboat WIllie" created by Walt Disney featuring one his famous characters, Mickey Mouse.
  • First Animation With Color

    First Animation With Color
    The first anmation with color was "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" also made by Walt Disney.