Thaumatrope was invented by John Ayerton
Image taken from http://education.eastmanhouse.org/discover/kits/files/3/thaumatrope.php
Two images that come into one picture together. -
Birth of photography invetned by Joseph Nie'pce
image taken fromhttp://www.blueseaweddings.com/sites/default/files/camera-lens-hd-photography.jpg photography opened up many possibillites for animation -
Phenakistoscope was invented by Joseph Plateau
Image taken from http://www.juxtapoz.com/images_old/stories/HannahS/11111111112/tumblr_miqywlImJG1qbcporo2_500.gif look through slits and see the reflections in a mirror -
Zoetrope was invented by William Horner
image taken from http://www.stopmotioncentral.com/images/zoetrope_large.jpg Wheel of life more than one person could watch this slits -
Praxinoscope invented by Charles emile' Reynaud
image taken from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/Lanature1879_praxinoscope_reynaud.png/220px-Lanature1879_praxinoscope_reynaud.png replacing the zoetrope had outter slits for easier view -
Improvement of Photography By George Eastman
image taken from http://instamatic2014.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/George-Eastman-06.jpg altered photography by introducing tansparent film in to cameras making it ten times better -
Kinetograph inveted by Thomas Edison
image taken fromhttp://blog.thehenryford.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/kinetograph.jpg was a camera that helped with motion pictures -
Kinetoscope Invented by Thomas Edison
image taken fromhttp://citizenjanefilmfestival.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gime_thumb-151.jpeg also another part that contributed to making motion pictures -
Special Effects invented by Georges Melies
image taken from http://filmescape.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Matrix-VFX.jpg Made animation easier to do by generating things that werent there appear -
Celluliod invented by Earl Hurd
image taken fromhttp://filmescape.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Matrix-VFX.jpg This Simplified the animation process by already making the movie and not having to make one individually