history of animation

  • The start of animation

    'The persistence of vision with regard to moving objects' - Peter Roget. This was a experiment by Peter Roget. The result was persistence of vision. This event led to animations
  • First animation

    The first animation was called "Humorous phases of fun ny faces." by J. stuart blackton. He drew comical faces on a blackboard and film them. He could stop the animation whenever he wanted to and erase one face to draw another character.
  • First popular animation

    The first popular animation 'Gertie the Dinosaur' was produced by Windsor McCay which becomes part of his vaudeville act
  • Firsy succesful sound animation

    STEAMBOAT WILLIE which is Mickey Mouse was the first succesful sound animation every by Disney studio
  • The born of characters and WB cartppn

    In 1930 the Warner Bros. Cartoons was born. Also during 1930 to 1934 many popular character was born such as Pluto, Fleischer, Donald Duck