2nd rebellion against the Romans
(132-135 CE) In this revolt, Jerusalem was pretty much destroyed, and many Jews were exicuted. Those that were not were banned from reading the Torah, observe Sabbath, and from circumcizing their sons. Jerusalem was rebuilt as a Roman city called Aelia Capitolina. -
Maccabees revolt
(164 BCE)The Maccabees revloted and gained a degree of independence for Judaea. They established a new kingdom of Israel that was once again centered around Jerusalem. This was the last independent Jewish nation until the 20th century. -
The reign of Antiochus IV
(175-164 BCE) Antiochus, a Syrian ruler that held political sovereignty over Israel, tried to force a single Hellenistic culture on all the people. He burned copies of the Torah, killed familes that had circumcised their sons, etc. -
(BCE) Ezra was a priest and a scribe who edited the first 5 books of the Hebrew bible. These 5 books were accepted as a sacred covenant. -
Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to their holy city
(BCE) King Cyrus of Persia replaced the Babylonian empire with his own, and allowed a small group of devoted Jews to return to Jerusalem. Being a man who repected other people's religions, he authorized the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem. -
Sep 27, 605
Babylonians take over Jerusalem
(BCE) King Nebuchadnezzer leads Babylon to victory over the Assyrian empire and takes over Jerusalem. The great Temple that was housing the Ark of the Covenant was emptied, and many buildings were destroyed. The remaining "Jews", as they were called, since they were from Judah, lived in exile in Babylon for 50 years. This defeat was seen as a punishment for Judah's idolatry. -
Sep 27, 722
Assyrians take over
(BCE)The Israely kingdom was corrupt, so it was easy for God to allow the Assyrians to take it over. The Assyrians sent most of the Israelites off into exile, and the remander of them spread out within Assyria and became known as the "Ten Lost Tribes of Irael." -
Hasmonean Family
(BCE) Under the rule of Hasonean kings, different groups of jews were formed: Sadducees--priests and wealthy people, Pharisees-liberal citizens, Essenes-those who were disgusted with the way things were. -
(CE)Roman general Pompey took over the country and thus Roman rule last for 4 centuries. Under their rule, the belief that a Messiah would come and resuce the Jews became popular. -
1st rebellion against the Romans
(CE) Anti-Roman militias called Zealots led an uprising against the Romans. The rebellion was suppressed and many Jewsih defenders were slaughtered in Jerusalem in 70 CE. The Romans also destroyed the Jewsih Temple. -
Greek lifestyle
(4th century BCE) Alexander the Great introduced the Greek way of life to the Middle East. Many Jews changed their belief in their religion, taking on an attitude of sceptisicm instead of having an unquestioning belief. (taking on Hellenism). -
David made king
(BCE)He was made king after the first one and his son passed away, having been somewhat of a friend to him(Saul). He made Jerusalim Israel's capital and brought the Ark of the Covenant there. -
Solomon's reign
(BCE)Solomon built a great temple which was meant to house the Ark of the Covenat. The temple became the central place for sacrafices to be made. and Solomon gained a lot of personal wealth from it as well.
After his death, Israel split into North and South sections (North maed a new kingdom of Israel, and the South renamed itself Judah).