History of AMS

  • The first Montessori school opens in the U.S.

    The first Montessori school opened in the Edward Harden Mansion in Sleepy Hollow, New York.
  • Montessori first travels to the Unites States.

    Montessori first traveled to the United States for a three week lecture tour.
  • Montessori schools flourish

    Over 100 Montessori schools were operating in the U.S.
  • Almost all Montessori schools in the U.S. close.

  • Period: to

    Montessori Schools Flourish

    From 1950's through the 1970's grew due to parents having ideals that aligned with Montessori's work.
  • Nancy McCormick Rambusch traveled to Paris to learn more about Montessori

    Nancy was familiar with some of Montessori's writings and wanted to attend Montessori Congress to learn more. It was here that she met Mario Montessori, Maria's son.
  • Whitby School opens

    Whitby School opens in Greenwich, Connecticut, in 1958, in a renovated barn.
  • Nancy McCormick Rambusch

    Nancy McCormick Rambusch was appointed the representative of AMI in the United States.
  • American Montessori Society was founded

    Nancy McCormick Rambusch founded the American Montessori Society.
  • Time Magazine featured the American Montessori Revival

    Rambusch, the Whitby School and the American Montessori revival were published in a Time magazine article that led to growth of the Montessori Movement.
  • AMI and AMS sign an agreement

    Mario Montessori, Nancy McCormick Rambusch and others sign an agreement between AMI and AMS.
  • American Montessori Society Today

    American Montessori Society now stands as a professional organization that advocates for Montessori education worldwide.