History of American Policing

  • Law Enforcement in Colonial America

    America borrowed from the English heritage. The 3 important institutions were the sheriff, the constable, and the watch. The constable had the responsibility of enforcing the law and the watch patrolled the city.
  • The First Modern American Police

    Was established in the United States. Many of the first American police departments were expanded versions of watch of existing watch systems.
  • The "Political Era" of American Policing

    A period in U.S. history when the police derived much of their legitimacy and authority through political patronage.
  • The Professional Era

    Modern technology was introduced. The telephone, the 2 way radio, and the patrol car were introduced.
  • The Police Crisis of the 1960s

    The United States experienced a series of upheavals- Supreme Court decisions expanding the scope of individual rights.
  • New Developments in Policing

    Changing of the demographic profile of police officers; a deeper understanding of the complexity of the police role and how departments should address crime and disorder.
  • English Heritage

    Brought by colonists and included English common law, high value on individual rights, the court systems, forms of punishment, and different forms of law enforcement.
  • The National Police Crisis

    Darren Wilson shot and killed Michel Brown, an unarmed 18 year old African American. The shooting triggered angry protestors and it escalated into violence and looting.
  • The Future of Policing

    Technology is being upgraded significantly. The use of a-i can collect data and help with predictive policing.