Latin Grammar Schools
Had a lot of stress put on them so when the older members died the secondary languages would be carried on. Eventually lead to Harvard College which required a Latin and Greek test. Fist established in Boston -
Deluder Satan Act
Required towns of 50 or greater had to hire a schoolmaster. Towns of 100 or greater had to hire a grammar teacher to prepare students for Harvard College -
New England Primer
The first textbook printed for american use by Benjamin Harris. More than 5 million copies were sold -
Christian Von Wolff
-9April 1754 He made German the language of scholary instruction and research. He wrote in latin to be read all over -
New England Primer
An American school book that most children learned to read from -
Salem Witchcraft Trials
Benjamin Franklin
April 17, 1790. Discovered stuff regarding electricity -
SCH Dame Schools
early form of a private elementary school. Taught by women and often located in the teachers home. -
Johann Pestalozzi
-feb. 17,1827. founded education institutions in German and French speaking regions. Education for the poor~~~ -
French and Indian War
1754-1763 -
Friedrich Froebel
-21 June 1852
founder of kindergarten -
Treaty of Paris
Young Ladies Academy
first all female academy established in America. Reading, writing, math, geography, and spelling were taught by male teachers. 100 girls were enrolled in the first year -
Constitutional Convention
Constitution and Bill of Rigts Ratified
The first ten admendments, also known as the bill of rights, were put into effect. These were meant to protect indiidual rights of the people. -
Horace Mann
-aug 2, 1859. Served as secrary of the Massachusetts Stat Board of Education. Pushed public education for the unrully children -
Catherine Beecher
she got women to teach -
William Holmes McGuffey
Elementary school reading books popularly known as McGuffey Readers -
Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
-3 January 1894
opened the first english language kindergarten in the US -
Noah Webster
He created the firtst true american dictionary -
War of 1812
-1814 -
Elizbeth Blackwell
-31 May 1910
First woman to recieve a medical degree in US -
Boston English High School
one of the first public high schools in America -
Mount Holyoke Female Seminary
founded higher education for women -
McGuffey Readers
A school book teaching morals and reading. Originally prepared by William Holmes McGuffey -
New York State Asylum for Idiots
authorized by the new york state legislature. Surgery was performed. At least one child was born there -
Prepares 3-7 year olds for first grade. Margarehe Schurz -
The National Teachers Association
fight for the rights of students and teachers -
Alfred Binet
was a self taught free thinker and his ideas were not acepted by many -
John Dewey
-June1, 1952. Major voice of progressive education and liveralism -
US Civil War
-1865 -
The First Morrill Act
Also known as the Land Grant College Act, it gave a major boost to higher education. Used to establish instituations to educate people in agriculture, home economics, mechanical arts,and other practical jobs. Made millions of American's lives better. Used for people in all classes -
Emancipation Proclamation
As a war tactic President Abraham Lincoln declared that slaves in all rebelous sections of the nation were and would remain free from then on. -
13th Adendment
The 13th adendment was used to free all slaves in the United States of America. -
Howard University
federally charted, private, coedu., historically black university -
14th Amendment
Focuses on citizen's rights- "equal protection of the laws"
Brown v. Board of Ecuation -
Lincoln University
designted for freed african-Americans
Located in Missouri
Fundamental idea shall be to combin study and labor -
Maria Montessori
-6 May 1952
her educational method is in use today in some public and private schools throughout the world. Philosophy of education that bears her name -
Carlisle Indian Industrial School
first all indian school. built out of former prison barraks. -
Booker T Washington
Black man that was very influencial. started as a slave was freed and went to college -
Committee of Ten
established a standard curriculum -
Jean Piaget
-16 September 1980
He developed a theory of cognitive development for children 1934 -
Spanish American War
- Aug 1898
Joliet Junior College
first public community college founded in the USA -
Benjamin Bloom
-13 September 1999
developed a educational taxonomy -
-11 Nov 1918 -
American Federation of Teachers
represents teachers -
Smith-Hughes Act
Formally National Vocational Education Act. Provided federal aid to the states to promote precollegiate vocational eductaion in industrial trades, home economics, and agriculture -
Progressive Education Association
reformist education philosophies and methodologies since the late 1800s. Elementary schools. reject the rote recitation and strict discipline of traditional single-classroom teacing, favoring instead more stimulation of the individual pupil as well as group discussion more informality in hte classroom, a brader curriculum, and use of laboratories, gmnasiums, kitchens in school -
Tennessee vs. John Scopes
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
Great Depression
-39 -
-1945 -
Gestalt Theory
Germant theory. tries to understand the laws of our ability to acquire and maintain meanigful perceptions in an apparently chaotic world. -
GI Bill
Servicemen's Readjustment Act. Benifits for erturning WW II, low-cost mortgages, low-intrest loans to start a business, cash payments of tuition and liiving expenses to attend university high school or cocational education. Combat is not required -
National School Lunch Act
establish as a "measure of national security, to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the Nation's children and to encouage the commodities." -
Truman Commission Report
first time in history in US that a president establishes a commission for the purposes of analyzing the country' system of education -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Ended legal segregation in public schools. Oliver Brown -
National Defense Education Act (NDEA)
Gave money to improve American schools and promote postsecondary schools. -
Civil Rights Act
Ended pulic segregation as well as discrimination when hiring -
Project Head Start
gave resources designed to foster stable family relationships, enhance children's physical and emotional well-being and establish an enviroment to develop strong cognitive skills -
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
Equal access to education, sets high standards for acedemic performance, and demands a rigorous level of accountability from schools and districts -
Bilingual Education Act
The first federal legislation to address the unique educational legislation regarding equality of edcational opportunity for language minorities -
Indian Education Act
Provided Indian education programs with assistance in education -
Rehabilitation Act
requires access to programs and activities that are funded by Federal agencies and to Federal employment. -
Plyler v Doe
established that even students who were not legal in the United States could not be denied because of the Equal Protection Clause of the fourteenth Amendment -
Plessy vs.Ferguson
Plessy refused to move to the colored car because of his light creol color. This lead to separate but equal segregation -
California Proposition 227
required that biliengual students be taught in nearly all english speaking class rooms, it spead up their learing of english -
No Child Left Behind
gaver suport for K-12 programs in US -
Tite IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Prohibits discriminations based on sex in federally funded ecucation programs or activities