• Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    This decision declared slaves as private property and they had no rights.
  • Harper Ferry Raid

    Harper Ferry Raid
    John Brown Led A Failed Raid Trying To Arm Slaves In Virginia
  • South Carolina Leaves The Union

    South Carolina Leaves The Union
    South Carolina was the first state to succeed from the Union
  • Other States Leave The Union

    Other States Leave The Union
    Then Establish the confederate states of America (CSA)
  • Lincoln Sends Supplies to Fort Sumpter

    Lincoln Sends Supplies to Fort Sumpter
    Lincoln sneds food and medical supplies to the fort.
  • Fighting Begins

    Fighting Begins
    PGT beauregard (CSA)opens fire on fort sumpter
  • North Anaconda Plan

    North Anaconda Plan
    North Outnumbered the south by 2:1 for numbers of soilders. so the north plans to attack the south from all sides including the east.
  • South Attacks

    CSA finds orders wrapped around some cigars. 12,000 killed in the first 3 hour. The battle ends in a Draw.
  • Battle Of Fredicksburg

    Burnside attacks Lee, Union Loses 13,000 while CSA only lost 5,000
  • Emancipation Proclamation---Abraham Lincoln

    Fires all enslaved people in rebellious states
  • Election Of 1864

    Lincoln Defeats McCllean, ending any hope of a negotiated peace for the south.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Abolishment Of Slavery
  • Final Battle

    Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House
  • Lincolns Assassinated

    Lincoln was shot in the head at the Fords theater by John Wilkes Booth
  • Military Reconstruction Act

    Split the south into 5 military Zones, Run by sec of war Edwin Stanton.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    All People Born In The U.S. are citizens. also prevents former CSA's from holding political Office.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    No citizens could be denied the right to vote based on color or race.