Population and Productivity
In the 1970s the average total U.S. population was 204,335,000 people and the farm population was 9,712,000. This was important becasue with their being a lot of farmers that meant there was a lot of jobs open for people. Allthough the number of farmers were a lot the tech wasn't as advanced so they couldnt supply as much food as today. -
High Dept for Farmers
Farmers took advantage of the market in the 1970's. Most farmers ended up buying more land and better machines. Unfortunately, the economy changed later in the 1970's the Interest rates went up, people became more conservative in their spending habits, which forced prices on farm goods down, and farm debts began to grow. Many farmers lost their farms, or had to get second jobs when their farm was not providing enough income to support their families. -
The Drought
The boom in the 1970s, which encouraged farmers to expand production, came to a disastrous end. The economic things of the early 1970's pushed farmers to take advantage of growing exports. Export markets began to shrink in the early 1980s because of European subsidies, and interest rates in the United States rose. -
The farm Bill of the 1970's
The Agriculture Act of 1970 was signed into law by President Nixon on November 30th. This bill caused a major controversy among farm groups, Congress, and the administration. The administration wanted to end parity or equality guarantees for price supports and replace it with flexible supports based on the world market prices. -
The Comptettive Edge of Ag
Agricultural scientists increased American farmer’s income by a growing global marketplace with new research initiatives for small farms. Scientists also developed a vaccine for the costly foot and mouth disease. Hog cholera, a contagious disease that had killed an enormous numbers of pigs. Cost pork producers millions of dollars in losses each year, until it was eliminated in 1978. -
Exports of the 1900's
The average value of agricultural exports was around $19.8 billion a year of total exports. This was importannt becasse the market for farmers were up a lot so they could live off of the money they got. This impacted the U.S becasue farming was becoming the face of America and bringing in Billions of dollors. -
Population and Productivity
In the 1980's the average U.S. population was 227,020,000 and the farm population was 6,051,000 people. From looking at the 1970s the population of farmers dropped and the population of people went up. Even though the number of farmers have went down the tech got more advanced. So they could produce around the same number of food as they did before. -
Coveersation Payments
Growing concerns about the effects of Ag on the environment brought crop support payments and resource conservation in the 1985 Farm Bill. The new law mandated that farmers implement conservation farming practices in order to receive benefits from USDA. -
Expanding Trade
Expanding trade was seen as the essential solution to ending the agricultural crisis in the 1980s. President Reagan agreed to begin a series of trade negotiations in 1986, known as the Uruguay Round. These negotiations lasted from 1986 to 1994 and led to the 1995 creation of the World Trade Organization, which set rules for trade between nations. -
Exports in the 1900's
From 1980-1989, the value of agricultural exports was around $35.6 billionndollors a year. At this time America was one of the richest countrys in the world. Farmers were able to buy new equiment with the income that was coming in so then they could produce more food for the world. -
Production and Productivity
In the 1990s the U.S. population reached up to 261,423,000 people and the farm population was 2,987,552. The population has gone down for farmers and the population of people have went up. The tech has became more advanced so farmers could produce as much food as the country needs. -
Export 1990's
From 1990-1999 the average value of agricultural exports was $48.5 billion dollors a year in total exports. The market is going up each year by a lot. With this being said farmers were making a killing and were aloud to buy new tech to make farming easy for them.