History of Africa

  • 825 BCE

    The Arrival of Islam in Djibouti, Eritrea

    The Arrival of Islam in Djibouti, Eritrea
    In 825 Islam was first introduced to the area , this is the Horn region in the early parts of the Arabian Peninsula . Djibouti is mostly Sunni Muslim . Djibouti was governed by local dynasties . Adal Sultanate was the ruler of the individual dynasties . Muslims lived on the Somali seaboard , close to Djibouti . During this time there was no known government , only the dynasties ruled over Djibouti .
  • Period: to

    Slave Trade of Malawi

    One of Malawi’s major thing was its slave trade. Through 1790-1860 slave trade was increasing dramatically. Malawi was important for the Arab slave traders that captured the slaves. Slaves were moved all around by boats overseas. The main Slave Routes in Malawi, were Nkhotakota, Karonga, Mangochi and Phalombe. By 1839 over 40,000 were being sold, they were being sold through the Zanzibar slave market. Many slaves died by raids and long march’s. Some people conclude five times died turning.....
  • The French and British Colonization for Djibouti

    The French and British Colonization for Djibouti
    In 1888 French colony of Somaliland established over the region of Djibouti . The Somalians signed a treaty with the French giving them right to Djibouti and the land around it . The British and the French also colonized more of the land around Djibouti . The British colonized for military reasons .
  • The African Great Lakes

    The African Great Lakes
    There was an area in the African Great Lakes roughly the same as present day Kenya . Approximately 246,800 sq. mi away from the Indian ocean. It was controlled by Britain at the time. Kenya grew after this. It was established June 11 1920 .
  • Somalia Death and Starvation

    Somalia Death and Starvation
    In 1992 an estimated number of 350,000 Somalis died of disease, starvation, or civil war. During the time this was happening George Bush ( president of the USA at the time) orders emergency airlifts of food and needed supplies to Somalia. The USA was trying to help Somalia at the really hard time for families.
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    Battle of Ethiopia v. Italy

    In October of 1935, after a battle on 5 December 1934. Italy and Ethiopia got in a war. Before this in the 1890s they had a battle and Ethiopia won. This round Ethiopia didn’t win, but lost the battle between Italy. About 1,700 soldiers lost their lives and Italy also had planes which had bombs that they threw and killed more people in Ethiopia. Ethiopians tried to charge at the, with a gun fire machine, but it didn’t work.
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    The Tanzania Invasion of Uganda

    In 1979 one of the major events in Tanzania was when the Tanzanian forces invaded Uganda. They invaded Uganda and wanted to drive out their president, President Idi Amin. This soldier made a mistake which started the war. The soldiers mistake cost Idi Amin his presidency, forcing him in to exile. Many People died during all of this, property was destroyed and looted. Amin was falling slowly as Kampala was captured, on April 11, 1979.
  • Djibouti Becomes a One-Party State

    Djibouti Becomes a One-Party State
    In 1981 Djibouti becomes a one-party state with the People's Progress Assembly as the sole party .
    This event is the marking of Djibouti’s independence from the French . Eventually Djibouti passed a bill to elect presidents or kings to rule over Djibouti . The first president to be elected is Ismael Omar Guelleh . Ismael Omar Guelleh ran for three years and has been elected for president again last year in 2016 . He now has almost completed his four terms in office . Djibouti passed three.....
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    The Mass Genocide of Rwanda

    Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) was founded in Kampala, Uganda in the 1988’s and started as a political and military movement. The Rwandan Patriotic Front’s goal was to secure the repatriation of exiled Rwandans and to reform the Rwandan government. This military and political movement was mostly mainly made up of Tutsi exiled in Uganda. This Patriotic Front of Rwandans carried out a major assault on Rwanda from Uganda, the RPF assault force was made up of 7,000 fighters...
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    The Flooding of Uganda

    In Uganda there was severe floods which destroyed many homes and caused devastation in the year of 2007. Since there was really heavy rainfall in July to November of 2007, all this led to flooding and water-logging. All of this water spread across many districts of eastern and northern Uganda. It was concluding that there was an estimation of 20,000 households were severely affect and 58,000 people displaced, with about 80% of crops were destroyed by floods. The flooding affected delivery of....