Origin of the Word Advertising
Derived from the middle English at vert ascend meaning to notify, a word that now represents a way to get to people's subconscious unconscious. -
Concept of Printing Advertising is Born
The first newspaper advertisment is published in the Boston News-Letter -
First Magazine Advertisment
The first magazine advertisement is printed in Benjamin Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette. Benjamin Franklin impacts advertising by including simple illustrations in his advertisements. -
Proctor & Gamble Co.
Proctor & Gamble Co. begin advertisng Ivory soap with an unbelievable budget of $11,000. -
Advertising is on Top
Frank Munsey drops the price of his magazine, designating the first attempt at maintaining a magazine through advertisment sales rather than newsstand sales. -
An Assosiation is Formed
The Association of American Advertisers, a forerunnner of the Association of National Advertisers, is assembled. -
The Associated Advertising Clubs of America
A group in which agencies, advertisers, and media representatives come together is formed. -
The Consumer Movement
The Consumer Movement begins when the consumers vocalize their discontent with the nature of advertising and actively fight to stop false advertising. -
Get Your Corn Flakes
W.K. Kellogg begins to advertise Corn Flakes in six medwestern newspapers. -
The American Association of Advertising Agencies
The American Association of Advertising Agencies is initially formed with 111 agencies -
Gallup's Polls
George Gallup introduces a widely syndicated opinion poll in order to gain insight on the needs of the consumer market. -
Advertising Drop
Advertising spending drops from $3.1 billion to $1.5 billion following the crash of the stock market. -
Radio is Winning the Race
Radio trancends magazines in advertising revenue. -
Join the War Effort
The War Advertising Council is set up to create advertising campaigns for the war effort. It is renamed the Advertising Coiuncil after the war. -
Big Money
J. Walter Thompson's agency is the first to receive over $100 million in revenue. -
A Legend is Born
The iconic Marlboro Man campaign is launched -
CBS is Advertising King
CBS beomes the largest advertising network in the world