History of Advertising

  • 1400

    Origin of the Word Advertising

    Origin of the Word Advertising
    Derived from the middle English at vert ascend meaning to notify, a word that now represents a way to get to people's subconscious unconscious.
  • Concept of Printing Advertising is Born

    The first newspaper advertisment is published in the Boston News-Letter
  • First Magazine Advertisment

    First Magazine Advertisment
    The first magazine advertisement is printed in Benjamin Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette. Benjamin Franklin impacts advertising by including simple illustrations in his advertisements.
  • Proctor & Gamble Co.

    Proctor & Gamble Co.
    Proctor & Gamble Co. begin advertisng Ivory soap with an unbelievable budget of $11,000.
  • Advertising is on Top

    Advertising is on Top
    Frank Munsey drops the price of his magazine, designating the first attempt at maintaining a magazine through advertisment sales rather than newsstand sales.
  • An Assosiation is Formed

    An Assosiation is Formed
    The Association of American Advertisers, a forerunnner of the Association of National Advertisers, is assembled.
  • The Associated Advertising Clubs of America

    A group in which agencies, advertisers, and media representatives come together is formed.
  • The Consumer Movement

    The Consumer Movement begins when the consumers vocalize their discontent with the nature of advertising and actively fight to stop false advertising.
  • Get Your Corn Flakes

    Get Your Corn Flakes
    W.K. Kellogg begins to advertise Corn Flakes in six medwestern newspapers.
  • The American Association of Advertising Agencies

    The American Association of Advertising Agencies is initially formed with 111 agencies
  • Gallup's Polls

    Gallup's Polls
    George Gallup introduces a widely syndicated opinion poll in order to gain insight on the needs of the consumer market.
  • Advertising Drop

    Advertising spending drops from $3.1 billion to $1.5 billion following the crash of the stock market.
  • Radio is Winning the Race

    Radio is Winning the Race
    Radio trancends magazines in advertising revenue.
  • Join the War Effort

    Join the War Effort
    The War Advertising Council is set up to create advertising campaigns for the war effort. It is renamed the Advertising Coiuncil after the war.
  • Big Money

    J. Walter Thompson's agency is the first to receive over $100 million in revenue.
  • A Legend is Born

    A Legend is Born
    The iconic Marlboro Man campaign is launched
  • CBS is Advertising King

    CBS is Advertising King
    CBS beomes the largest advertising network in the world