Boston Newsletter first Ad for house in Long Island
Boston Newsletter (newspaper) first Ad for house in Long Island -
Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine prints Ads
Volney Palmer: 1st Ad Agency
30,000 NY'ers show up to debut of Jenny Lind
First use of the word "trademark"-Smith Bros. Candy Cough Drops
20 Ad agencies in NYC. J. Walter Thompson is the oldest one still in existance.
Linotype Machine- Color printing, dawn of advertising in Ladies Home Journal, Cosmo
Pure Food and Drug Act : labels and ads must list active ingredients
Woodbury Soap: 1st Sex Appeal Ad "A Skin You Love to Touch"
Better Business Bureau prevents scams
More money spent on radio ads than print
NBC first TV ad: watch that ticked for 60 seconds
MTV debuts: revolutionizes design of commercials to include music
Interactive Ad Bureau formed to research internet Ads: totalled $8.2 billion
Proctor & Gamble help set global guidelines for internet Ads