History of a Political party

  • Founding

    The republican party was founded by anti-slavery activity in 1854.
  • Mentioned

    First time the republican party was mentioned.
  • National Convention

    Republican first national convention in Pittsburg Pennsylvania.
  • Domination

    Republicans dominated nearly all the northern states.
  • 1st president

    Abraham Lincoln was the first republican president in office.
  • Freedom

    Abraham lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, it gave the slaves their freedom
  • Assination

    Abraham lincoln was the first Republican president to be assasinated.
  • Elephant

    The elephant logo was first introduced by a cartoonist called thomas Nast.
  • Numbers

    The republican party started to go down due to numbers.
  • Sherman

    The republicans pass the Sherman antitrust act.
  • Dominance

    The republican Dominance ends
  • President

    William mckinly is elected president.
  • president

    theodore roosevelt is elected president
  • women

    Jeaneete rankin was the first women elected to congress as a republican
  • Great depression

    The great depression begins and Republican party president Hoover loses next presidency election.
  • Impeached

    President Richard Nixon was the first republican president to be impeached.
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush was the most recent republican president
  • 9/11

    The world trade center is under attacked while Republican president George W. Bush is in office which later gets the United States into war.
  • Mccain

    The last president to try to run for the republican party was john mccain.
  • Presidents

    There has only been 18 republican presidents up to date.