
  • HUAC

    The HUAC was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having communist ties
  • Jonas salk

    He was in the first man to develop the polio vaccine
  • G.I Bill

    G.I Bill
    was a law that provided a range of benefits for returning World War II veterans (commonly referred to as G.I.s).
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave over $13 billion (nearly $110 billion in 2016 US dollars) in economic assistance to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II.
  • Baby Boom generation

    Baby Boom generation
    The term "Baby Boom" is used to identify a massive increase in births following World War II.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold war was between the Soviet union and the U.S and in the war both sides never shot a shot
  • truman Doctrine

    truman Doctrine
    American foreign policy whose stated purpose was to counter Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War
  • Containment Policy

    Containment Policy
    Containment was a United States policy using numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism abroad
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    s a federal law intended to check the president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. During the multinational occupation of post–World War II Germany, the Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under Western control. The Soviets offered to drop the blockade if the Western Allies withdrew the newly introduced Deutsche mark from West Berlin.
  • NATO

    it was the league of nations that actually worked
  • Domino theory

    Domino theory
    the theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries, like a falling domino causing an entire row of upended dominoes to fall.
  • McCarthyism

    a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950–54. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.
  • 1950s prosperity

    The United States was the world’s strongest military power. Its economy was booming, and the fruits of this prosperity–new cars, suburban houses and other consumer goods–were available to more people than ever before.
  • Rock'n Roll

    Rock'n Roll
    Rock'n roll is a type of music and its been a round sense 1940s
  • 1950s Culture

    1950s Culture
    everyone was still recovering for WW2 and the cold war was starting to show
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The war began on 25 June 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea[40][41] following a series of clashes along the border.[42][43] The United Nations, with the United States as the principal force, came to the aid of South Korea. China came to the aid of North Korea, and the Soviet Union also gave some assistance to the North.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    He was a general in ww2 and after was 34th president and he made NASA
  • Rosenberg Trail

    Rosenberg Trail
    the Rosenberg couple were accused of selling american secrets to the soviets
  • Ray Kroc

    he was one of the founders of McDonald and made the company world wide
  • Interstate highway Act

    Interstate highway Act
    The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. It took several years of wrangling, but a new Federal-Aid Highway Act passed in June 1956. The law authorized the construction of a 41,000-mile network of interstate highways that would span the nation.
  • Space race(sputnik and moon landing)

    sputnik was the first thing in space and was launched by soviet union and the moon landing was the first in history and the americans did it
  • Gary Powers

    he was a pilot the flu a u-2 spy plane and it was shot down in a mission over Russia
  • Great Society

    Great Society
    a domestic program in the administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson that instituted federally sponsored social welfare programs.
  • Beatniks

    a young person in the 1950s and early 1960s belonging to a subculture associated with the beat generation.
  • 1960s

    1960s where years of sadness because Jfk was killed but a time of discovery and the first men on the moon
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    was a failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-sponsored paramilitary group Brigade 2506 on 17 April 1961. A counter-revolutionary military group
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    in 1962 the soviet union put nuclear missiles in cuba and pointed them at the U.S
  • JFK

    JFK was the 35th president and only had 3 years in office because he was assassinated and was the leader in the highest point in the cold war
  • Lyndon B johnson

    he was the 36th president of the US and he developed a public service and and took over JKF's spot after he was assassinated
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    the Southeast Asia Resolution, Pub.L. 88–408, 78 Stat. 384, enacted August 10, 1964, was a joint resolution that the United States Congress passed on August 7, 1964, in response to the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
  • Anti-War Movement

    Anti-War Movement
    The movement against U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War began small–among peace activists and leftist intellectuals on college campuses–but gained national prominence in 1965, after the United States began bombing North Vietnam in earnest
  • Miranda v. Arizona

    Miranda v. Arizona
    was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court. In a 5–4 majority, the Court held that both inculpatory and exculpatory statements made in response to interrogation by a defendant in police custody will be admissible at trial only if the prosecution can show that the defendant was informed of the right to consult with an attorney before and during questioning and of the right against self-incrimination before police questioning, and that the defendant not only understood these righ
  • betty friedan

    she was a american writer and actives and feminist
  • Roy benavidez

    he was a solider in the Vietnam and got a medal go honor
  • Tet Offensive 1968

    Tet Offensive 1968
    during the lunar new year (or “Tet”) holiday, North Vietnamese and communist Viet Cong forces launched a coordinated attack against a number of targets in South Vietnam.
  • Vietnamization

    the US policy of withdrawing its troops and transferring the responsibility and direction of the war effort to the government of South Vietnam.
  • Abbie Hoffman

    he was a american actives and a co-founder of the youth international Party
  • 1970s

    the time was a time where people wanted peace and there were a lot of hippies and star wars was made
  • Richard nixon

    he was the 37th president and he was the only president to resigned the spot he presided over the Apollo 11
  • Vietnam war including the fall of the Saigon 1975

    Vietnam war including the fall of the Saigon 1975
    on April 30th the capital of Vietnam fell to the North Vietnam army
  • Rust belt and the sun belt

    Rust belt and the sun belt
    the rust belt was more in the north of the U.S and the sun Belt was in the southern part of the U.S and the were new urban areas that people wanted to live in
  • Verona Papers

    Verona Papers
    the Venona papers is a list of names deciphered from codenames contained in the Venona project, an American government effort from 1943-1980 to decrypt coded messages by intelligence forces of the Soviet Union.x
  • 1980s

    it was a time of retro thing and the time of the mullet
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    the notional barrier separating the former Soviet bloc and the West prior to the decline of communism that followed the political events in eastern Europe in 1989.