History Jamestown

  • Merchants wanted Settlement

    Merchants wanted Settlement
    During this time the company of English merchants asked King James for the right to found, or establish settlement
  • Settlement was Granted

    The King granted the request and the company settled in a region called Virginia
  • Colonists Founded Jamestown

    Colonists Founded Jamestown
    40 miles up James River in Virginia the colonist founded Jamestown, which was the first permanent English settlement in North America
  • John Smith Took Over

    John Smith took control of Jamestown and built a new fort
  • Established Trade

    Established Trade
    Powhatan and John Smith led the settlers of Jamestown established trade with Powhatan's tribe
  • The Starve of English

    After Smith left Chief Powhatan began a campaign to starve the English out of Virginia
  • The Expand

    Jamestown expanded from around the original James Fort into New Town built to the east
  • The Abandoned

    The central state house in Jamestown got burned down so Middle Plantation, known as Willamsburg replaced the colonial capital following year so pretty much Jamestown was abandoned
  • The Capital Remained

    The Capital Remained
    Jamestown remained the capital of Virginia