History in today

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    Stamp Act

    The stamp act was terrible thing. We had to pay tax on stamps for mail, newspapers and more.We had to pay tax.
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    French and Indian War

    The French and Indian war started in 1754 to 1763,most were in canda and most were in dispute over territories.There were French,new French,Great Britain,and British American.This cell started because the British and French were in a fight over who owned the Ohio River Valley area.
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    Townshend Acts

    We had to pay tax on lead,paint,glass,paper and more. No More Tax!!!!!!!
  • Boston Massacre

    The british troops shoot five American colonists on March 5,1770.An African American man named Crispus Attacks was killed and the british open fire.
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    Boston Tea Party

    The colonist are mad at the new tax on tea.The American colonists calling them selves the sons of liberty decied to dress up like mohawh native Americans boarded three britis ships and thay dumped 342 british tea into boston harbor on december 16,1773.
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    George Washington

    George Washington was a hero and president.In 1775 he was voted military and politcal leader at the use.Today most people still thank him.
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    The Battle Of Bunker Hill

    In June 16,1775 in Bunker Hill the colonest chase the British and the colonest and the British started war.They started war in Bunker Hill 16,1775 the colonest ran out of wepons the colonest shoot the British more then the British shoot the colonest.
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    Secand Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congrss met in 1775, When the revolutionary war started.They got together to plan what they were going to do for the revolutinaryd war.
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    Townshend Acts

    In 1776 at North America Townshend acts were formed. The pruposer of this was Charles Townshend, the chancellor of Exchequer. The purpose of this was to rais revenue in the colonest to pay the salaries of the governors and judges so that they would be independent of colonial rule.