History in class task

  • Timeline due

  • Reflection due

  • Lesson

    Pamphlet completed (Mattia, Max), Timeline done (Will, Kieran)
  • Task underway

    Gathering information(Max, Mattia), Starting Prezzie (Will, Kieran), Creating maps and graphs (Toby)
  • Prezzie completed

  • lesson

    Maps halfway done (Toby), done a good chunk of the Prezzie (Will, Kieran), still researching (Max, Mattia)
  • History due

  • lesson

    Maps completed (Toby), All information gathered (Mattia, Max), Prezzie almost done (Kieran, Will)
  • lesson

    Prezzie completed (Kieran, Will, Max, Mattia, Toby)
  • Tasks presented