a Phenakistoscope
Joseph Plateau introduced a (spindle viewer)..a spinning disc connected to a handle. (Not Exact Date) -
Inventor of Animation
The first animated projection was created in France by Charles Emile-Reynaud who was a French Science Teacher. He also created the praxinoscope in1877 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAYQjB1qFQoTCI3wvo_KnMgCFQqZiAod7KcDgQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.victorian-cinema.net%2Freynaud&psig=AFQjCNFt3lIZYP2Brp0W3e_q9IjJN1M_Ow&ust=1443627567211105 -
Auguste and Louis Lumiere (Inventors of the moving picture)
Were French pioneers and manufacturers of photographic equipment.... -
Creation of the Praxinoscope
The Praxinoscope was invented in 1877 by Charles-Emile Reynaud. It was made by using strips of picture around the inside of a circle, and a set of mirrors on another circle inside the original. -
One of the First Motion Picture Film Cameras Made
Although we don't know the day of the first movie camera..the one made by Louis Le Prince was one of the first -
Thomas Edisons Kinetiscope
Using the celluloid film developed by H.W.Goodwin, Edison was able to produce moving film pictures on the wall. The film moved over wheels displaying the picture. (Not exact date) -
Sound is captured!!!
Using a magnetic recording device, sound was recording for the first time. Animation enthusiasts would latch onto the technology. -
Emile Cohl releases Fantasmagorie
Known as one of the first true animated films of all time -
Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio Opens
The Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio was founded on October 16,1923 by Walt and Roy Disney -
Disneys First animated movie
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.