
History IGCSE Module 1: The alliance system and international rivalry

  • Module 1: Reflective journal

    Module 1: Reflective journal
    Understanding the personal alliances in your life [20 min]
  • Module 1: Live Session

    Module 1: Live Session
    The alliance system(pages 3-6)
    [60 min]
  • Module 1: Enrichment Activity

    Module 1: Enrichment Activity
    Europe in 1914: First World War Alliances Explained” [15 min] [optional]
  • Module 1: Breakout Session

    Module 1: Breakout Session
    The consequences of the alliance system [60 min]
  • Module 1: Small group discussion

    Module 1: Small group discussion
    In this SGDF students will be asked to argue for or against the alliance system
  • Module 1: Mindmap

    Module 1: Mindmap
    Understanding the alliances that made up the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente [25 min]
  • Module 1: Weekly Quiz

    Module 1: Weekly Quiz
    The alliance system [15 min]