• WW1 ENDS

  • Period: to

    Paris Peace Conference

    Took place to establish European peace.
    -TOV took place during it
    -Germany excluded
    -LON established
    -Key for the peace in europe until ww2
  • Treaty of Versailles

    A conference to maintain peace between the big 3.
    -German territory given to France
    -League of nations
    -Wilson´s 14 poimts
  • Impact to Germany TOV

    -Army>100k men
    -Ruhr disarmed
    -Territory taken> alsace, lorraine
  • Treaty of St Germain

    With Austria- it was de dissolving of Austria-Hungary.
    lost 60 percent of territory
    reduced army
  • Treaty of Neuilly

    With Bulgaria,
    -army reduced
    -lost western thrace
    -no airforce
  • Treaty of Trianon

    With Hungary,
    -loss of 36% of territory
    -population reduced to 7.6M
    -army>35k men
    -no navy
    -nearly bankrupt
  • Treaty of Sèvres

    Tearing apart of Ottoman Empire.
    -Harsh terms
    -huge amount of territory taken
    -no airforce
    -army>50.7k men
    -Rejected by Turkish leader
  • Treaty of Lausanne

    A better treaty with Turkey
    -recovery of territories
    -gave up territory claims
    -no reparations
    -no military restrictions