
  • CORE founded

    CORE founded
    Core stands for ( congress of racial equality)its dedicated to civil rights through nonviolent actions it was founded by a group of students in Chicago that started off with peaceful protests, to grow to a widely know organization.
  • Jackie Robinson the first African American professional baseball player

    Jackie Robinson the first African American professional baseball player
    He was in the negro leagues before he Took the field for the Dodgers in 1947 by being the first African American baseball player he ended up leading his team to six league championships and one World Series breaking the color line. Later many African Americans would join professional leagues
  • Desegregation in the armed forces

    Desegregation in the armed forces
    In the late 1940s when the war was getting heavier political leaders agreed they needed to rebuild the armed forces but African Americans would refuse to join the armed forced due to segregation and discrimination. So to combat that Truman was helping break the color line by signing the Executive order of 9981 requiring desegregation in the armed forces.
  • Executive order 9981

    Executive order 9981
    An executive order by Truman to end the segregation in the military. They where fitting in the Cold War over seas Truman believed segregation in their own military would undermined the efforts to promote freedom and democracy.
  • Brown v. Board of Education ruling

    Brown v. Board of Education ruling
    The brown case was a class action case lawsuit full of multiple court cases that circulated in the Supreme Court for a Year and a half The whole case started when browns daughter would have to walk miles just to get to her all black school when there was a school just a few blocks down. But when Carl Warren came became a new chief of justice succeeding on the court ruling brown decision dismantled the legal basis for segregation in schools and public places
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    On dec 1 Rosa Parks refused to get off the bus ,MIA the Montgomery improvement association organized a protest the the Montgomery system. Creating car pool systems and riding their bikes. 90% of black participated. But then ended the boycott Dec 20 1956.
  • Integration of Central high school

    Integration of Central high school
    Nine black students where emitted into Little Rock central high school. These nine students where called the Little Rock nine. They tried entering the school on the 4th but Faubus ordered the Arkansas national guard to prevent the students from from coming in so they came back on sep 23 with the help of Eisenhower who issued the executive order 10730. Th engine had to have body guards to protect them from harassment
  • The Hate That Hate Produces

    The Hate That Hate Produces
    The Hate That Hate Produces was a week long television special it featured Malcom X a member of the Nation of Islam and one of the leaders driving the civil rights change giving him wide spread attention.
  • First lunch counter sit-in

    First lunch counter sit-in
    On this day a group of African American students sat at Woolworths but where refused from the waiter due to them being black service so they sat there till closing in protest and the very next day the group brought 20 more people to just sit in Woolworths all day without service. This was the first sit in that inspired many more. When on July 25 1960 a African American was served for the first time time at Woolworths
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Freedom riders where civil right protest where blacks and whites would board interstate buses together to see if southern states where following the Supreme Court ruling. On the 4th 7 blacks and 6 whites boarded two buses on the 14th a white mob attacked the freedom riders
  • Birmingham campaign

    Birmingham campaign
    More than 1,000 youth African Americans marched from Birmingham Baptist church to the city center as a protest they used the youth due to so many people frighten to march because they might be arrested. The next day on the third. The youth gathered again to march but when they did they got attacked by police dogs and a firetrucks powerful hoses a photograph caught this on photo publishing it and many Americans where shocked helping creating many changes like desegregation.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    More than 250,000 people marched with 60,000 of them being whites holding hands and singing songs together. This march was actually proposed 20 years beforehand by Philip Randolph proposed the march to protest unequal treatment African Americans in the war industries. The Washington march is where Martin Luther King.” I have a dream”
  • Civil right acts of of 1964

    Civil right acts of of 1964
    The civil rights act is a landmark act that banned discrimination on the basis of race,sex,religion,and origin. Kennedy supported the idea but Johnson advocated for the bill
  • The Board Of Education watts riot

    The Board Of Education watts riot
    Watts riot was a race riot that broke out in watts a black ghetto in las angels this riot started because people where frustrated about poverty, prejudice, and police mistreatment. Rioter burned and looted whole neighborhoods to rest order the national guard was sent.
  • The voting rights act of 1965

    The voting rights act of 1965
    The voting rights act of 1965 outlawed literacy tests and others methods to prevent African Americans from voting.
  • Black party founded

    Black party founded
    The black panthers demanded economic and political rights and would do anything to get them and especially get violent. The black panthers set up medical clinics and patrolled the neighbor hood but but with them they carried shotguns, law books, and video cameras. But they ended up dissolving in the mid 1970s
  • The civil rights act of 1968

    The civil rights act of 1968
    On April 6th 1968 Martin Luther King was assassinated. Many where devastated but it encouraged congress to pass the civil rights act of 1968 a law that banned discrimination in sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin, or sex as well with forcing school to desegregate.
  • Congressional black caucus formed

    Congressional black caucus formed
    Founded by African American in the House of Representatives which focused on over the years to address legislative concerns of African Americans. Helping black politicians to be elected for political titles
  • Swan v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg board of education

    Swan v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg board of education
    A Supreme Court ruling that busing was an acceptable way to achieve school integration. This did make people wonder if weather de facto segregation caused by housing patterns was constitutional. But through integration through busing would be bused outside their neighbor hood to create racial balance but parents black and white We worried with their children being to far away to attend school
  • Roots aired

    Roots aired
    Many forms of media where being released to expand Afrocentric culture roots was one of many it was a 12 hour miniseries on Afrocentric culture based off a historical novel “Roots” following several generations of enslaved black families written by Alex Haley. It even became one of the most highly rated shows in television from when it was released
  • Regents of the university of of California v. Bakke

    Regents of the university of of California v. Bakke
    This case was a Supreme Court ruling that narrowly upheld affirmative action, declaring that race can be a factor but not the sole criteria in school admission. The court was divided at first that race could be used as the criteria for admission. Due that Bakke applied to Regents of the university of California twice but was rejected. Both times while he saw people of minority and color when they had lower grade point averages and test scores being admitted vs him so he took it to court.