History FCS timeline

  • Benjamin Thompson

    Benjamin Thompson
    Lived 1753-1814. First to label nutrition as a science in the late 1800s. Invented the first range with temperature control.
  • Ellen Swallow Richards

    Ellen Swallow Richards
    Lived from 1842-1911. The first woman to attend MIT. She was a leader and role model for women. The driving factor behind the lake placid conferences. Helped adopt "home economics" as a field of study.
  • W.O. Atwater

    W.O. Atwater
    Lived from 1844-1907. "Father of nutrition". Invented the bomb calorimeter. Wrote nutrition bulletins at Ellen Richards's request. Helped further the nutrition category of FCS.
  • Clara Belle Drisdale Williams

    Clara Belle Drisdale Williams
    Lived 1855-1993. First African American to graduate New Mexico State University. Became a teacher to black students during the day and taught parents at night in areas of home economics.
  • Land Grant Universities

    Land Grant Universities
    These are institutions that have been designated by state legislatures/congress to receive benefits of the Morrill Acts which provided grants in the form of land.
  • Morrill Act

    Morrill Act
    This act established in 1862 allowed new western states to establish colleges for their citizens.
  • CF Langworthy

    CF Langworthy
    Lived from 1864-1932. Wrote "Food customs and Diet in American Homes". Co-editor of the journal of home economics.
  • Land Grant Universities in Arkansas

    Land Grant Universities in Arkansas
    The University of Arkansas (1951) and the University of Arkansas Pine Bluff (1873)
  • Smith Lever Act

    Created the cooperative extension service including FACS.
  • Smith-Hughes Act

    Smith-Hughes Act
    Established FACS as part of vocational (CTE) education.
  • Vocational Education Acts of 1963

    Vocational Education Acts of 1963
    The vocational education act of 1963 was enacted by congress to offer new and expanded vocational education programs to bring job training into harmony with the economic, and social realities of today and the needs for tomorrow.
  • Vocational amendment of 1968 & 1973

    Vocational amendment of 1968 & 1973
    Amendment of 1968 was the first vocational legislation to officially reference post-secondary students. Equal opportunities for women were promoted. The amendment of 1973was made to extend and revise the authorization of grants to States for vocational rehabilitation services, with special emphasis on services to those with the most severe disabilities.
  • Vocational Amendment of 1976

    Vocational Amendment of 1976
    required states receiving federal funding for vocational education to develop and carry out activities and programs to eliminate gender bias, stereotyping, and discrimination in vocational education.
  • Carl Perkins Act

    Meant to increase federal support for vocational education schools. Also provided funding for vocational work-study programs.