
  • Missouri Comprimise

    Missouri became a slave state and Maine became a free state due to the comprimise. This created tension between the north and south. The south belived in slavery and that it was ok and thought that all states should be fine with slavery. The north on the other hand was agaisnt slavery. When Missouri became a slave state the south was happy and the north wasn´t but the when Maine became a free state the North was happy and the south wasn´t which created tension.
  • Compromise of 1850

    The compromise band slave trade in D.C. figutive slave act made california a free state. Sovierity in Mexico and Utah. This caused tension because the North supported no slavery and they got their way and the south wanted slavery and didn´t get their way which caused tension.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    The act required all citizens to catch any run away slaves. This act cased the north to help the slaves escape because they were against slavery. The south on the other side did not like this act because they didn't want to be losing their slaves because they supported slavery. This act when put in place caused a lot of tension.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin is a book written about a slave that is caught trying to escape and is forced to tell where the others are and is then later whipped to death. The book was popular in the North because they were against slavery and the book described how bad slavery is and that it's wrong the North thought. The South thought the book was bad because they supported and this book was against slavery. Do to this book it caused more tension between the North and South.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The act made Utah and New Mexico open to slavery which the Missouri Compromise sense 1820 had prevented this from happening. The North thought that there should be no slave states or slaves in general and were not happy about this act. The south was very pleased by this act because it meant more slave states which they were for and supported it. This act caused greater tension between the North and South.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    The court in Dred Scotts case ruled that he could not file a lawsuit because he was a slave/not citizen also he was considered property. This made the North unhappy because Dred Scott could not get to file a lawsuit because he was a slave which wasn't right making the Missouri Compromise Unconstitutional. The South however was happy that the slave did not become a free man because they support slavery. This created more tension between the North and South.
  • Raid On Harper's Fairy

    John Brow tried to raid and arsenal and give weapons to slaves. The North thought this was a heroic move in in effort to help stop slavery. The south thought this was an outrageous act and made no sense because they wanted to keep slaves while John Brow tried to give them weapons. This created even more tension between the North and South
  • Election Of 1860

    Conventions were help in the South and the Southern party wanted to support slavery but the North did not want to support slavery. This created tension between the North and South because the south wanted only people who supported slavery to come to the convention but the North did not and wanted only people who were against slavery. This caused a lot of tension between the North and South.