Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a political protest at Griffin's Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts. Britain imposing "taxation and without representation" was the cause of this. 342 Chest of tea were dumped from the ships into the harbor. The chest of tea had been imported by British East India Company. -
The Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of Saratoga occurred during the second year of the American Revolution. There were two horrible battles that had been foughten 18 days apart. It was a great victory for the Continental Army and a crucial turning point for the Revolutionary War. -
Haitian independence
This time period was a sucessful anti-slavary and anti-colonial insurrection by the slaves thta were against the french colonial. On this day Dessalines that declared national independence and they renamed it Hati. -
latin american revolution
this event normally happened in the early 18th and 19th centries. this event brought peace and independence to alot of latin american countries. -
congress of vienna
After the downfall of Napoleon Bonaparte, and this international confrence was called to create a balance upon the european powers in a way to prevent and draw off future wars. A main goal of the congress of vienna was to balance to the powers of all countrys so that no country would be jealous or angry for having less. -
Battle of Antietam
The battle of Antietam was known as a Union victory. The battle was Ohian George McClellan's greatest success during the American Civil War. Two Union Soldiers had found a copy of Lee's plans before the battle . It was called the Battle of Sharpsburg by the South. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg was the largest battle of the American Civil War. It was also known as the largest battle ever fought in North America.There were around 85,000 men in the Union's Army, and 75,000 in the Confederacy's Army. 23,049 Casualties for the Union and 28,063 for the Confederates (Which was a third of Lee's Army). -
end of the franco- prussian war
This war was a place of time where coalitions of germany states had caused prussia to defeat france. This war was the marking point of the end of france's hegemony and caused a continental europe and led to the creation of the a unified germany. -
Conference of berlin
This made the European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period. This time period coincided with Germany's sudden emergence as a imperial power. -
The Spanish American War
The Spanish American War was a conflict between the United States and Spain. This war ended colonial rule with the Americas, and resulted in the United States acquisition of territories in the western pacific and Latin America. -
Boxer rebellion
The boxer rebellion was an uprising against foreigners that lived/ live in china. This event was caused by peasants supporting the goverment. -
The assasanation of archduke ferdinand
This happeneed by ferdinanad and his wife being shot by Bosian Serb. The assastion happened all by him visisting the capitial of sarajevo. -
world war 1
This event was know as the first world war. This event was global orginated and was know as the great war. -
sinking of the lusitania
The setting of the lusitania before it sunk was in the coast of cork. If you ask how the lusitania sank well that is because the ship his an exploding torpeado. -
treatie of versailles
this event was the peace treatie that brought world war 1 to an end. this tree required germany to be able to dis arm and make teritorial cocessions and to pay reparations to certain countries.