History event

  • Period: 262 to 260

    The Battle of Changping and the Great Wall of China (China)

    The Battle of Changping took place in 260 BC, in which Qin troops driven by Bai Qi crushed a colossal Zhao army of 400,000 men, effectively wiping out the Zhao fighting force and the state itself.
  • The Islamic Empire (Arab)

    Arab Muslim forces conquered vast territories and built imperial structures over time. Most of the significant expansion occurred during the reign of the Rashidun from 632 to 661 CE, which was the reign of the first four successors of Muhammad.
  • Death of Guru Gobind Singh (India)

    When his father, Guru Tegh Bahadur, was executed by Aurangzeb, Guru Gobind Singh was formally installed as the leader of the Sikhs at the age of nine, becoming the tenth and final human Sikh Guru.
  • Period: to

    Chakri dynasty (Thailand)

    In a tradition dating to the 18th century, the Chakri kings have held the formal title Rama, after an avatar of Hindu god Vishnu in the ancient Indian epic the Ramayana. Phra Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke founded the Chakri dynasty and established Bangkok as the capital of Siam, as Thailand was known, in 1782.
  • Kot Massacare (Nepali)

    took place on 14 September 1846 when then Kaji Jang Bahadur Kunwar and his brothers killed about 30-40 civi
  • When was colonized by the British (Malaysia)

    The British formally made Malaysia a colony in 1867. The Federated Malay States, in southern Malaya, was formed in 1895 after the British intervened in the fratricidal wars of the sultans.
  • Meiji Restoration (Japan)

    The Meiji Restoration was a coup d'état resulting in the dissolution of Japan's feudal system of government. In its place, the imperial system was restored, as many members of the ruling samurai class wanted to unite the country under a new, centralized government.
  • Japanese invasion of (Taiwan)

    The Japanese landed near Keelung on the northern coast of Taiwan on 29 May 1895, and in a five-month campaign swept southwards to Tainan.
  • How did it became a republic (China)

    A republic was formally established on 1 January 1912 following the Xinhai Revolution, which itself began with the Wuchang uprising on 10 October 1911, successfully overthrowing the Qing dynasty and ending over two thousand years of imperial rule in China.
  • What was happening (Turkey)

    Under the Treaty of Lausanne, signed in 1923, Eastern Anatolia became part of modern-day Turkey, in exchange for Turkey's relinquishing Ottoman-era claims to the oil-rich Arab lands. Negotiations were undertaken during the Conference of Lausanne. İsmet İnönü was the chief negotiator for Turkey.
  • Period: to


    Indonesia declared its independence after Japan's surrender, but it required four years before the Netherlands agreed to relinquish its colony.
  • Republic proclaimed (Korea)

    According to the provisions of the Constitution, an indirect presidential election took place in July. Rhee Syngman, as head of the new assembly, assumed the presidency and proclaimed the Republic of Korea (South Korea) on August 15, 1948.
  • The war (Vietnam)

    was fought between communist North Vietnam, backed by the Soviet Union and China, and South Vietnam, supported by the United States.
  • how it was called before (Singapore)

    Early Singapore was called "Temasek", possibly a word deriving from "tasik" (Malay for lake or sea) and taken to mean Sea-town in Malay.
  • Tuvalu

    Tuvalu achieves independence. Toaripi Lauti is appointed prime minister