Steam power in America
Steam power becomes prevalent in America -
First oil well dug
Edison's first power plant
Thomas Edison creates the first power plant to provide several buildings with electricity -
Coal surpasses firewood
Coal surpasses firewood as the primary source of energy -
Steam engines 30x more powerful
Steam engines are now 30x more powerful than those of 1800 -
Enrico Fermi - Nobel Prize
Enrico Fermi wins Nobel Prize for his work on atomic physics, which lead to the production of nuclear power -
Petroleum and natural gas
Petroleum and natural gas become main sources of power, surpassing coal use -
Atomic Energy Company with Gas/Electric Companies
the AEC works with gas and electric companies to create power for nuclear fission -
Nuclear power more popular
People search for an alternative to fossil fuels- find it in nuclear power -
Three Mile Island
Nuclear plant at Three Mile Island in PA explodes