

By Deivas
  • 2022 BCE


  • Period: 4 BCE to 476


    4,000 B.C.´- 476 A.D.
    It begins with the invention of writing, until the fall of the Roman Empire.
    early civilizations
  • 3 BCE

    Discovery of writing

    Discovery of writing
  • Period: 1 CE to 3 BCE


    Prehistory is the period from the appearance of the first human beings to the invention of writing. Prehistory Division: 2,500,000 years B.C. up to 3,500 years B.C.
  • 476

    Fall of the werstern roman empire

    Fall of the werstern roman empire
  • Period: 476 to 1453

    Middle age

    476 AD - 1492 AD
    Until the discovery of America
    The coronation of Charlemagne by the Romans
  • 1492

    Discovery of América

    Discovery of América
  • Period: 1492 to

    Modern age

    1492 AD - 1789 AD
    until the french revolution
    They began literary, scientific and artistic studies seeking at all times to live
  • French revolution

    French revolution
  • Period: to

    Contemporany age

    1789 AD - to the present
    Great technologies and electronic inventions
    Rabies vaccine and radioactivity