The Holocaust began
The Holocaust began on January 3rd 1933 when Adolf Hitler had power over the Germans and Jews. -
Hitler came into controll
<a href='' >http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100525082907AArg6wK</a>Hitler came into power and had controll after president Von Hindenburg died. The people voted for him because he told them he was going to do many great things. -
World War II began
Pic: http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=137485&pt=1
text:<a href='' >http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070917065443AAeiLwf</a> World War II began because Hitler sent germany to invade Poland, Britan, and France. -
The Star Of David
Jews in Poland were orderd to wear the star of david any time they went outside of their homes. -
The jewish children hid
Source: Yellow Star
When the natzis knocked on all the doors and said they were taking all the children a bunch of children dug holes in the cemetary and hid in them until the natzis were gone. -
Pic: mmons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:416thbg-a20-d-day.jpg
Text: Yellowstar
On June 6th D-Day began because there was a invasion in Norway and France. -
The children were caught
Pic: http://www.leoraw.com/blog/2011/05/remembering-the-holocaust/
Source: Yellow Star
The Jewish children were caught by the Natzis and were drug out of the cellar but luckly the adults stood up for the children and Natzis did not killl them. -
Pic: http://www.profit-over-life.org/teachers_guide/poland/lodz_ghetto/lodz_ghetto_women_children_deporation.html
Text: Yellowstar
In 1945 the Lodz ghetto gets liberated, meaning free from the Natzis. -
Hitler's empire came to a end
Pic: http://mitchellarchives.com/adolf-hitler-dead-in-berlin.htm
Text: <a href='' >http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100525082907AArg6wK</a> Hitler was not in controll after this date. The jews were free and were glad he was gone. -
Hitler Commites Sucicide
Pic: http://history.howstuffworks.com/historical-figures/historical-couple-pictures17.htm
Text: Yellowstar
Hitler commits sucicide with his death when they were in a room where they were not to be disturbed. After so long of silence, the soldiars gaurding the room looked in and saw Hitler and his wife dead. -
Germany Surenders
Text: Yellowstar
Germany surrendars to Europe so it is victory for Europe but World War II is still going on. -
The Holocaust ended
The Holocaust ended on May 8th 1945 on D- Day. As soon as people came to rescue jews, they started discoverying how bad it was. -
Japan Surenders
Pic: http://www.apu.edu/library/specialcollections/history/speccollserials/
Text: Yellowstar
Japan surrenders the war and World War II ends. There is peace in all the countries.