US Supreme Court Decides in United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind That Asian Indians Do Not Qualify for Naturalization because They Are Not Considered "White"
US Border Patrol Established with Labor Appropriation Act of 1924
Nationality Act Unifies Nationality and Naturalization Laws
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt Signs Executive Order 9066 Sending Tens of Thousands of Japanese Americans (Among Others) to Internment Camps
Magnuson Immigration Act of 1943 Allows Chinese to Become US Citizens
Ellis Island Closes
Armed Forces Naturalization Act Allows Veterans Who Served Active-Duty to Become Naturalized Citizens
Plyler v. Doe Overturns Texas Law Disallowing State Funds for Non-Citizens
Amerasian Immigration Act Gives Preferential Immigration Status to Children Fathered by American Troops in Southeast Asia
Armed Forces Immigration Adjustment Act Gives Special Immigration Status to Foreign Veterans Who Served in the US Armed Forces
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act Denies Most Forms of Public Assistance to Most Legal Immigrants
"Minuteman Project" Begins Recruiting Civilians to Patrol the US-Mexico Border
Secure Fence Act Authorizes Fencing along the US-Mexican Border
Secure Fence Act Authorizes Fencing along the US-Mexican Border -
Controversial Arizona Bill (SB 1070) Signed into Law, Expanding the State's Authority to Combat Illegal Immigration
US Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Law Penalizing Businesses That Hire Undocumented Immigrants
Terrorist Attacks Prompt US Department of Defense to Expand Military Support along the Borders
President Obama Announced Executive Action to Prevent Deportation of Millions of Immigrants in the United States Illegally