Pallada tall ship

History: Columbus' Arrival - Beginning of French and Indian War

By gabsz96
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus Set Sail

    Columbus Set Sail
    Columbus left Spain with sponsership from Crown of Castile and three ships: the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Santa Clara. They were searching for the western route to Asia, but instead discovered the New World. Began Columbian Exchange (post-1492 era)
  • Period: Sep 30, 1492 to Sep 30, 1542

    Native American population plummeted 80%

    Due to disease, massacres, and forced labor.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    The treaty divided the newly discovered lands between Crown of Portugal and Crown of Castile along a meridian.
  • Period: Sep 30, 1500 to

    Colonist Population Growth

    240,000 Europeans entered American ports.
  • Sep 30, 1510

    French Explorers

    French Explorers
    John Cabot: 1497, Labrador. Little was done to follow up his voyage.
    Giovanni da Verrazano: 1524, North Carolina to Maine. This voyage encouraged the king. He now wanted a Northwest Passage.
    Jaques Cartier: 1534, 1535, 1541: never found the Northwest passage, but he did find the St. Lawrence River.
  • Period: Sep 30, 1519 to Sep 30, 1535


    The Spanish claimed most of South/Central America. They destroyed the Aztec and Inca empires along with many lesser tribes. Alliances were also created.
  • Sep 30, 1524


    Colonists wanted to convert Native Americans to Christianity. At first, it was very violent. They burned down Native Americans' sacred places of worship. Adaption began in 1530s; writing systems also created.
  • Period: to

    King James I

    Issued charters for the colonization of the mid-Atlantic region of Virginia to joint stock companies.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was colonized.
  • France Monopolizes Trade

    Samuel de Champlain established Quebec on the St. Lawrence River so he could control the trade down the Atlantic. He forged an alliance with Native Americans so he would have even more control.
  • Period: to

    French Explored

    French traders and missionaries began to explore more of the Canada region along with the Mississippi River. Society of inclusion.
  • Craze for Tobacco Began

    This jumpstarted the economy in the English colonies.
  • House of Burgesses Created

    This was the legislature in colonial VA.
  • Period: to


    Colonial population doubled every five years. The Algonquians shrank that amount.
  • Pequot War

    Colonists against Pequot Indians; fighting over control of land. Forty years of peace followed this.
  • Carolina Founded

    Home to large tobacco planters
  • Slave Trade in South

    A large scale Native American slave trade began in the south. Extended until the 18th century.
  • King Philip's War

    Colonists against Naragansetts; colonists invaded and burned villages.
  • Middle Passage

    Main slave trade route.
  • Period: to

    African Slaves Imported

  • Pennsylvania Founded

    William Penn founded PA. It became America's breadbasket and a home to colonists seeking religious freedom.
  • French on the Mississippi

    The French began colonizing at the bottom of the Mississippi River (Biloxi, Mobile)
  • French Cresent

    French had established colonies in a cresent shape: they started in Canada along St. Lawrence River and continued down all the way to Mississippi.
  • French and English Government

    French: superior council including Royal Governor, intendant, and the bishop of Quebec.
    English: almost a democracy.
  • The Great Awakening

    Enthusiam returned to religion.
  • King George's War

    War between England and France; fighting also broke out in the colonies.
  • French and Indian War Began

    Translation of Seven Year's War in the French and English colonies. English vs. Native Americans and French.