Declaration of Independence Signed
The Declarartion of Independece was to declare the 13 American colonies free from the Brittish Empire. -
The Louisiana Purchase
The United States bought the Louisiana Territory from France. This was important in U.S. history because ti would expand the United States. -
The Lewis and Clark Journey West
Lewis and Clark began their journy west in 1803. From this expidition they would find hundreds of new plants and animals. They would also discover different Native American camps. -
The Texas Revolution
End of American and Mexican War
On Febuary 2, 1848 the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed. This ended the war between the U.S. and Mexico. As a result of the treaty the U.S. gained 500,000 square miles of territory. -
California Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush was when people from all over the world to mine for gold. As a result the population of California grew quickly. -
Attack at for Sumter
General Beauregard of the Confederate Army at Charleston Harbor opened fire on the Union garrison holding Fort Sumter. -
The Attack of Pearl Harbor
A United States Base on Honululu, Hawaii was attacked by the Japanese -
Brown vs. Board of Education
It was he day that the supreme court ruled that black and white public schools were declared unconstitutional. -
Launch of Sputnik
Sputnik was the first artificial satallite to be launched into space. -
Death of Elvis Presley
The death of The King (Elvis Presley). -
My Birthday
This is the day i was born -
Four planes where hijacked by Islamist. Two planes where flown into the World Trade Center. The third one crashed into the Pentagon. The fourth one never reached its target. -
Transformers is released in theaters
This is when the first of the 4 Transformer movies is released. -
First Episode of Terra Nova
This is the date of when the show Terra Nova first premiered.