History (Civil War-Recontruction)

  • Missouri compromise

    When missouri was admitted as a slave state and maine as a free state. John.C.Calhoun refused the compromise and insisted legality of slaves in all territories , also threatening secession (GA encyclopedia)
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    The southern states wanted to expand slaver across new territories causing the north to rebel against it. on the even of the civil war, slaves was counted as 44% of the states total population and Ga had the most at the time. (GA encyclopedia)
  • Antietam

    When lee's troops met General George Mcclellan's army to flare up the bloodiest one day battle in all of U.S history. Lee went up into the north because he knew they had supplies and wanted ot turn offense to the north in maryland. (GA textbook)
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    Sep 19, 1863 – Sep 20, 1863

    A battle in GA that ended a union offensive line causing problems in Tennessee. After the Union retreated in Chattanooga, they opened up a supply route hoping to retrieve supplies like food from the north (GA online textbook)
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    An agricultural labor system that developed in GA and throughout the south. in Later 1880's 32% of the south's farms were run by sharecroppers (GA encyclopedia)
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    Ku Klux Klan

    A loosely organized clan who wanted to defeat the republican party and wanted to bring back the reign of White people. Each district had a Grand Titan (Leader) And several Gran Giants (Co-Leaders). (GA encyclopedia)