
History Chapter 14 Project

  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    A man named Henry Clay thought of a compromise in 1820 that made it fair for everyone so two states were added into the union. The states were Maine and Missouri, Main was a free states and Missouri was a slave state. Aldo for now on anything north of the Missouri compromise line was free.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    This was a bill create by David Wilmot, it was made to ban slavery in the Mexican cession. However this bill angered the south very much so it was hard for congress to decide on the bill. The bill was never passed and it made the south very mad that it took congress so long to decide. This furthered the divide amongst the country pushing us further down the line of a civil war.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This was a compromise though up by Henry Clay. This admitted California as a free state and banned the slave trade in Washington DC. the compromise for the south was the new fugitive law was put in place were if a slave has run away to the north you has the owner could go ad collect your property, and, popular sovereignty was put into action. This was thought to be a equal trade but it wasn't. This temporarily cooled the flame of argument over slavery.
  • Fugitive slave act

    Fugitive slave act
    The fugitive slave act was a bill passed giving the southern plantation owners the power to get back their runaway slaves. THis made it so if you were accused of being runaway slave the owner had the rights to take you back to the south. This act had many faults, one being that many free african americans were brought into slavery even if they are not actual runaway slaves.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This is a novel written by Harriet Beecher store. This was a historical fiction story about slavery. She used real stories to create one story. This novel created many different viewpoints among the north and south. It made the north hate slavery even more and opened the eyes of a few northers to slavery. While the south thought it was propaganda and as a way the north was trying to brainwash the south.
  • Kansas Nebraska act/ Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas Nebraska act/ Bleeding Kansas
    The Kansas Nebraska act was a law passed putting popular sovereignty in effect within these states. It made it so the people in these states could vote whether they were for slavery or against. This angered the north which trigger many bloody confrontations between northern abolishment and southern slave owners. This was later named Bloody Kansas. These confrontation tightened the tension between the north and the south.
  • Dred Scott case

    Dred Scott case
    Dred Scott was a slave whose owner died while they were in a state where slavery was banned. Dred believed he was now free and could live as a normal human. This thought caused him to sued the government trying to buy his freedom. It took over 4 years for any court to make a decision on this case. It went all the way to the supreme congress which they ruled against him. This angered the north and pleased the south. The tension between the two sides were not on the verge of split.
  • Lincoln Douglas debate

    Lincoln Douglas debate
    These were a series of debates between the republican candid Lincoln and the democratic candid Douglas. These debates brought up lots of arguments that were prevalent in the country during that time. Lincoln was not afraid to share his opinions of slavery during these debated. This helped voter decide who they would vote for and it made the south dislike Lincoln even more. They held these debate all over the country. These debates were the center of attention in the country during that time.
  • John Brown's raid

    John Brown's raid
    John Brown was a abolishment form the north who believed he was sent my god himself to end slavery. He led many bloody assaults in the south killing people who were for slavery. During this time he plotted a slave uprising by attacking a southern base named Harper's Ferry . During the raid he killed some southern soldiers but ended up being caught. He was later hung for treason and last words were for the abolishment of slavery.
  • Lincolns election of 1860

    Lincolns election of 1860
    When Abraham Lincoln was elected as president it made South Carolina secede from the union They did this because they were angered that a abolitionist was now president. This did not just anger south Carolina it anger the whole south. This also trigger a domino effect with another state's seceding from the union every day. However the north thought this as a victory over slavery. The election of president Lincoln was the final shove that split the country into to and into a civil war.
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    When Lincoln was elected as president it made South Carolina secede from the union They did this because they were angered that a abolitionist was now president. This did not just anger south Carolina it anger the whole south. This also trigger a domino effect with another state's seceding from the union every day. However the north thought this as a victory over slavery which it was. The election of president Lincoln was the final shove that split the country into to and into a civil war.