History Chapter 4

  • Period: 1100 to 1300

    European population, economic, technological growth

  • Period: 1299 to 1326

    Osman -- Ottoman Leader & Founder

    created discipline warrior group
  • 1300

    Famine Weakened China Population

  • 1300

    Portugese Christians fought the Moors 14th century

  • 1300

    Red Turban Movement

    Religious Movement around belief world was ending as Mongol rule did
  • Period: 1300 to

    Ottoman Empire

  • 1310

    Little Ice Age

    Hurt agriculture with cooler climates and led to starvation and drought throughout central Asia and especially Europe. Also caused animals carrying BD to leave normal resting place, spreading BD.
  • Period: 1315 to 1322


  • 1320

    1st outbreak in Southwestern China

  • Period: 1326 to 1362

    Orhan -- Osman Son

    worked with and allowed those with differing religions
  • 1331

    90% killed by BD in Bei Zhili Province China

  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    Hundred Years' War

    Wars between England and France -- French wanted to throw off English dominion
  • 1346

    Mongols attack Genoese trading Posts of Caffa on Black Sea

    Mongols spread the Black Death to the Genoese then Genoese merchants and sailors spread it on their ships. The Genoese spread it to Sicily port.
  • 1347

    BD hit Baghdad

  • Period: 1347 to 1351

    50 mil of 80 mil Europeans died of plague

  • 1348

    BD hit Egypt, Syria, Cyprus

  • 1350

    Most China cities had severe BD outbreaks

  • 1350

    Mid 1300s Ottomans expand to Balkans

  • 1353

    Epidemic slowed but returned every 7 years until 1400s

  • 1358


    The Peasant Revolt in France killed the wealthy, burned, and looted. Had to pay for tools used in farming on lands they were already tied to.
  • 1368

    Ming Dynasty

    Chinese Dynasty after Yuan Mongol Dynasty reinstituted traditional Han Chinese ideals
  • 1368

    Hongwu / Zhu Yuanzhang

    Founded Ming and led rebellion against Mongols
  • 1381

    English Peasants' Revolt

    Protest against tax to raise money for France's war.
  • Period: 1405 to 1433

    Zheng He

    Led large naval expeditions to show off China's greatness
  • Period: 1421 to 1451

    Murad II -- Ottoman ruler

  • Period: 1430 to 1550

    Renaissance in Europe

    rebirth of Greek and Roman knowledge & nonreligious thought
  • 1431

    Joan of Arc

    a peasant girl who led troops in Hundred years war, but captured and burned by English.
  • Period: 1445 to

    Habsburgs -- European Catholic Royal Family

    Founded Austria and ruled 16th-17th Spain
  • 1450

    European deaths stop declining

  • 1450

    1450 Western Christendom

    No central Gov, No official lang, few good commercial centers
  • 1450

    Printing Press

    Made in China
  • Period: 1451 to 1481

    Mehmed the Conquerer -- Ottoman Ruler

    Defeat and seized Constantinople (Byzantine)
  • 1469

    Unity of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon

  • 1481

    Spanish Crown started Inquisition

    Punishment of Heretics and Roman Catholic Church enforcement
  • 1492

    Conquest of Granada by Spain

  • 1499

    Muslims who didn't leave Spain get punished

  • 1500

    New Islamic States Emerged: Ottoman Empire, Safavid Empire, Mughal Empire

  • Period: 1520 to 1566

    Suleiman -- Ottoman Ruler

    A sultan who expanded Ottoman Empire further into Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean