Colonial America Timeline Project

  • Roanoke

    Founded by England in 1585. In 1586 the colonists returned to England with Sir Francis Drake. In 1587 another group of colonists went, but were delayed by the Spanish War. When they could finally leave. They arrived there in 1590. By this time there was no trace of anyone living there.
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  • Mayflower/Plymouth/ Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower/Plymouth/ Mayflower Compact
    They colonist realized they were outside of their jurisdiction so they wrote up the Mayflower compact and set up a new type of government. The Mayflower Compact was the first type of self-governed government till 1691. All 102 passengers signed this document and it governed the Plymouth Colony.
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  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    This act was to ensure that the colonies would stay loyal to Britain in a time of expansion. Britain imposes taxes on tea, navigation, triangular trade, and making the colonists pay for the wars that Britain got into.
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  • Jamestown

    English men and boys named this place. Also this place suited the English's needs for a place to set up. It was surrounded by water on three sides so they could tie there boats on the docks when trading. And was not inhabited by Indians. Tobacco was a crop that produced lots of money when the English had no food. English fought for 10 years.
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  • Pennsylvaina

    Was a middle colony. Was founded by William Penn and others in 1608. They manufactured iron products to England. They had farms in which they grew many crops, for the town.
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  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    Was the first democratically elected legislated body in the British Colonies.
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  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    Was a period of time in the 17th century where English Puritans migrated to New England, the Chesapeake and the West Indies. Link text
  • New York

    New York
    Was founded by the Duke of York and other colonists on Manhattan island. New York was often referred to as a breadbasket colony because it grew so many crops, especially wheat. The wheat was ground into flour in flour mills then shipped to England.
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  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    Was founded by the Massachusetts Bay Company. The population was mostly made up of puritans. The colonists living here were very economically successful due to trade. Combined with the Plymouth Colony and made up now what is now modern day Massachusetts.
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  • Maryland

    Was founded by Lord Baltimore (Cecil Calvert). The colonists wanted economic gain and they wanted to live their live without being feared. Is one of the 13 colonies to be in the American Revolutionary War.
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  • Connecticut

    Hooker and his party arrived in Hartford. Was a puritan congregation led by John Davenport. He established New Haven as a separate colony in 1638.
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  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Was founded by Roger Williams and other colonists. They focused on town life and economical life. Is one of the 13 colonies to be in the American Revolution.
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  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    It was the second law that was requiring religious tolerance in the British North America colonies. This was an Act that allowed all Christians to worship but anyone who denied the divine of Jesus was sentenced to death.
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  • Carolina

    This colony was named after there king. They collected taxes to start up a government. This colony includes both present day North and South Carolina. They had lots of plantations which meant they had lots of slaves. Soon the population was big enough to split Carolina into North and South Carolina in 1712.
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  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Nathanial Bacon burned Jamestown to the ground. He was a man in power in the government. He was a man that caused a lot of trouble.
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  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    A town in which mass hysteria spread of being witches. The trails were started by Abigail Williams. You were accused of being a witch if you did something weird or out of the ordinary.
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  • Great Awakening/ Enlightenment

    Great Awakening/ Enlightenment
    A great person in the Great Awakening was Jonathan Edwards. He gave good speeches on repenting to God. He gave the speech "Sinners in the hands of an angry God"
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  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    Was a plan that was never carried out. Was the first plan to have all the colonies under one government. The join or die snake was showing them that they need to unify under one colony.
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  • French-Indian War

    French-Indian War
    The war was between the French and the British. This was known as the "Seven year War." The war was over frontier lands. Paying the expenses of this war in the colonies it led to discontent. This fueled for the American Revolution.

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  • Proclomation of 1763

    Proclomation of 1763
    This document forbid the colonists from going past the Appalachian Mountains. To protect them from getting into another seven year war.
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