Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei's birthday
Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa, Italy. His father, Vincenzo Galilei was a very well known musician and music theorist. Galileo was Vincenzo Galilei's first of of six children (http://ic.galegroup.com). -
Galileo studies mathematics and science
In 1583 when Galileo was home on vacation he started studying mathematics and physical sciences. He amazed a family friend/professor, Ostilio Ricci who also happened to be a student of Nicolò Tartaglia. Tartaglia translated Archimedes work into Latin. This is how Galileo because fascinated by Archimedes and he started his scientific studies (http://ic.galegroup.com). -
Mathematics professor
In 1592, Galileo was appointed proffessor of mathematics at Pauda University in Pisa, Italy. There he conducted experiments about falling objects. The only thing people had ever known was Aristotle's explanation that heavier objects should fall faster than lighter objects. It is said that Galileo challenged Aristotle's idea by climbing to the top of the leaning tower of Pisa and dropping objects that had different weights to prove that all objects fall at the same rate (http://ic.galegroup.com) -
Galileo and the density of liquids
In 1593, Galileo discovered that the density of liquids reacts with changes in temperature. With this discovery he invented a device to allow temperature to be measured. It is called a thermoscope instead of a thermometer because it did not have a numerical temperature scale (http://www.headlinesciencenow.com) -
Romeo and Juliet published
On January 1, 1597, Romeo and Juliet was published. The play was written by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet's families are enemies and stand in the way of their love towards one anothe (https://www.britannica.com) -
Dutch East India Company
In 1602 the Dutch East India Company was founded. It started in the Dutch Republic, which is present day Netherlands. It's purpose was to protect the state's trade in the India Ocean, and to help in the Dutch war or independence from Spain (https://www.britannica.com). -
Jamestown, Virginia
On May 14,1607, Jamestown Virginia was established. It was the first permanent English settlement in North America. After eight months only 60 out of the 214 pioneers were still alive due to the harsh conditions but they still managed to keep the settlement alive (http://www.americaslibrary.gov). -
Galileo's telescope
In 1609 Galileo created his own telescope. After he found out about Hans Lippershey's telescope, Galileo was eager to make his own. His model could magnify objects a lot greater than Lippershey's could and the image was not upside down. The telescope helped Galileo to learn more about the moon, stars, and heavens (Hightower 45-51). -
"Sindereus nuncius"
On March 12, 1610 Galileo's booklet, "Sindereus nuncius" (Starry Messenger) was published. After using his telescope, Galileo learned a lot about the moon, Jupiter, and stars, so he made a booklet about it. It took the world of science by complete shock (www.biography.com). -
The Pilgrims arrive in New England
On September 6, 1620, After previously having to turn back twice because the speedwell leaked, the Mayflower finally set sail. On November 11, 1620, after 66 days at sea, the Mayflower arrived in New England. They originally planned to setting near the Hudson River, but after dangerous winds they had to take shelter in Cape Cod. On Decmber 16,1620 the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth (https://www.plimoth.org). -
The new Pope
In 1623, one of Galileo's friends, Cardinal Maffeo Barberini became Pope. Prior to him being declared Pope, Barberini and Galileo had always exchanged scientific ideas, however, after, Barberini had different focuses and didn't have time for science. The Pope no longer accepted Galileo ideas this led to a lot of controversy, eventually having a Galileo placed under house arrest (Hightower 72-94). -
"The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems"
Galileo's book, "The Dialouge Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" was published in 1632. The book compares the Copernican ideas, which states the sun is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it, and the Ptolemy ideas, which stated the earth was the center of the universe and was immobile. The publishing of this book caused lots of controversy because it was clear Galileo supported the Copernican System (http://muse.tau.ac.il/museum/galileo/the_dialogue.html). -
Galileo's hearing
After the problems that arose with Galileo publishing the book "The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief Word Systems," and he had to visit Rome to see the Pope, Galileo's hearing finally arrived. On June 22, 1633 he was taken into a large public hall where he was forced to kneel in front of church officials and apologizie to them. He was originally sentenced to life in prison in Rome, but soon after it was changed to house arrest in Florence (Hightower 72-94). -
Samuel de Champlain dies
In 1635, Samuel de Champlain died. He founded Quebec and worked vigorously to build the region and the French fur trade. When he died, there was still less than 100 settlers there (http://historyworld.net). -
Harvard University Founded
On January 1, 1636, Harvard University was founded. Is is the oldest institute of higher education in the United States. It was established by the vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (http://www.harvard.edu). -
Galileo's death
Galileo Galilei died on January 8, 1642 at the age of 77. He died in Arcetri, Italy, which is located very close to Florence. His health was failing and he suffered from a fever and heart palpitations (www.biography.com).