Hitler's Birthday
Hitler was born on April 30, 1889. He was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria. (britannica.com) Adolf was born to parents Alois Hitler and Klara Hitler. Alois Hitler was an austrian civil servant whose paternity was unclear. (google.com) This is significant because Hitler would go on to start World War II and rip many Jewish citizens from their homes and place them in concentration camps. -
The Cuban Rebellion
This was an uprising in Cuba against Spanish rule. It all began with the unsuccessful Ten Years War. It culminated so much the United States got involved and ended the Spanish colonial presence in the Americas. The Cubans were dissatisfied with the corrupt and insufficient Spanish administration, political representation, or lack thereof, and high priced taxes (britannica.com). -
Outbreak of World War I
At the beginning of World War I, Hitler enlists in the German army (Harris 1). Adolf was rejected from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts just seven years earlier. With his dreams of becoming an accomplished artist being thrown out the window, he begins the journey in war. A year before the war broke out Hitler left Austria-Hungary and settled in Bavaria (Harris 1-5). -
Easter Rising
On Easter Monday in 1916 a group of Irish nationalists proclaimed the establishment of the Irish Republic. They also established a rebellion against the British government in Ireland. These rebels took important buildings in Dublin and ran into the British troops. Within a week the insurrection had been stopped and more than 2,000 people were dead or injured. Once the British government found the leaders of the rebellion they were executed and in 1922 Ireland was a Free State.(history.com). -
19th US Constitutional Amendment
Ratified on August 18, the 19th amendment gives the right to vote to women. Led by Susan B. Anthony this amendment was drafted and sent to President Woodrow Wilson. In the beginning of the 20th century the role of women in the American society was becoming more than just the people who bore children. This passed both houses of Congress and was sent to the states for ratification (history.com). -
18th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is Added
The 18th amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors. Prohibition movements had sprung up across the United States, driven by religious groups who considered alcohol, specifically drunkenness, a threat to the nation. The movement reached an apex when the US government ratified this amendment. Instead of having less problems in the country there was more. Organized crime and the bootlegging of alcohol became popular (history.com). -
Holland Tunnel Construction
The Holland Tunnel links Manhattan Island, New York to New Jersey. It is located under the Hudson River in the United States. It is in fact open for public travel. Two, 16 foot long shields weighing a sum of 400 tons, excavated the twin tubes. When the day is good, the shields, with 6,000 tons in forward thrust, move forward 40ft. Seven years after construction began President Calvin Coolidge pressed a golden lever to open the tunnel. It had American flags on either side (tunneltalk.com). -
Publication of Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf was a book written by Hitler himself. Mein Kampf is German for "my struggle." There are two different volumes to this book, Die Abrechnung and Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung. It was Adolf's only complete book and became the bible for NAtional Socialism, or Nazism, in Germany's Third Reich. By 1939, 5,200,000 copies were sold and it was translated into 11 languages. This is important because in these books it shares the troubles of Adolf Hitler (reference.com). -
The Great Depression
The Great Depression Depression was the worst economic downfall in the history of the industrialized world. It lasted from the stock market crash of 1929 to 1939. This sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out many investors. Over the next several years consumer spending and investment dropped, causing steep declines in industrial output and employment as failing companies laid off workers. By 1933 nearly 15 million Americans were jobless and half the countries banks were closed (history.com). -
Chancellor of Germany
President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany. This was the beginning to Hitler's spectacular rise to prominence in Germany.This was spurred greatly from the people's frustration with terrible economic conditions and the worsening wounds inflicted by defeat in the Great War. There were also harsh peace terms with the Versailles treaty (history.com). Hitler took this chance to make the people's discontent with the government into support for his Nazi Party. -
The Night of Broken Glass
On this night violence against the Jews broke out throughout the Reich. Appearing to be unplanned, there was German anger for the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teen. Within 2 days 250 synagogues were burned, 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed, dozens of Jews were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire stood by. This is known as the Night of Broken Glass for the shattered store windows in the streets. -
The Beginning of World War II
After the start of World War II Hitler implemented a policy known as the "Final Solution." Hitler was determined not to just isolate the Jews in Germany. Instead he decided his "Jewish Problem" would only be solved with the elimination of every Jew in his reach. He also got rid of artists, educators, gypsies, communists, homosexuals, the mentally and physically handicapped and others deemed unfit for survival in Nazi Germany (history.com). Germans were racially superior (Harris 4). -
The Building of Auschwitz
Auschwitz was home to one of the largest concentration or death camps used during World War II. Hitler and his Nazi companions sent many people of the Jewish faith to this camp or camps just like it. Located in southern Poland, Auschwitz initially served as a detention center for political prisoners. It evolved into a network of camps where Jews or people the Nazi's did not like were exterminated. During World War II nearly 1 million people died in the camp at Auschwitz (history.com). -
Operation Barbarossa
On June 22, 1941 the German army advanced on Russia. Hitler regarded this as Germany's final struggle for existence and the creation of the "new order" of German racial domination. After the first advances of the German troops, the severe Russian winter hit the troops hard. With this the troops failed to reach any of their three goals. The next advances were much slower than anticipated. After a year the western allies began advancing on Germany (Grimke/Howells 419). -
The Exploding Briefcase
Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg set down a briefcase carefully under the conference table five feet from Hitler. He 90 seconds later excused himself to ‘make a phone call’, someone shifted and moved it away from him. 4 seconds later that briefcase exploded (Archer 3). Some people in the German world did not believe in what Hitler was doing with Nazi's and Germany and the countries annexed by Germany. Some even wanted to kill him. -
Hitler's Death
The end of Hitler's terror comes on April 30, 1945. Hitler can no longer imprison people or make people's lives a living hell. He died in Berlin, Germany. Hitler commited suicide by swallowing a cyanide pill and shooting himself in the head. The only fragments of his body left are some old teeth and a bullet-shot chunk of skull. It was said he died in action but that is incorrect. He and his wife committed suicide in his bunker (washingtonpost.com).