
  • 1850

    -In 1854 The Kansas-Nebraska Act had conflict over slavery.
    -2 new US territory's were added Kansas and Nebraska.
    -The Duglus Bill ended up dividing the south and the north further apart.
  • 1855

    -Antislavery convictions were so strong,
    -American abolitionist and revolutionary who planned an all out war on slavery beginning with a violent raid on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry.
  • 1860

    -Confederate soldiers fire the first shots on Union troops at Fort Sumter to start the civil war.
    -April 12 1861 the 1st major battle of the civil war won by the confederates.
    -1st shots of the civil war took place.
  • 1865

    -The US Bureau of refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands was established in 1865 by congress to help former black slaves and poor whites in the south after the Civil War.
    - War gave 4 million slaves freedom
    -American Slavery: separating fact from myth
  • 1870

    -In 1872 Congress took part under pressure from white southerners, shut the bureau.
    -in the summer of 1872, congress shut down the Freedmen Bureau.

    -Since that time historians have debated ether the agency was effective
  • 1875

    -Jan 5 Charles Garnier's new Opera opens in Paris.
    -Jan 5 President Grant sends federal troops to Vicksburg, -Mississippi.
    -Jan 12 Kwang-su becomes Emperor of China.
    -Jan 24 Camille Saint-Saëns' "Danse Macabre" premieres.
    -Jan 25 Anti-slavery society forms (NY)
    -Jan 26 Electric dental drill is patented by George F Green.