history by logan kasat By red necks Jan 1, 1846 passage of prohibitation and the end of prohibitation (labeled as the time period) wikipedia Jan 1, 1901 Hirohito became Emperor of Japan wikipedia Dec 1, 1913 Henry Ford open his assembly Lines to African American workers wikipedia Jan 1, 1914 russia withdraws from world war 1 wikipedia Jan 1, 1914 austria-hungary surrenders to the allies wikipedia Jun 28, 1914 Assassintion of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife sophie wikipedia May 7, 1915 sinking of the lusitina (Sister of the Tatanic) wikipedia Mar 8, 1917 russia comminist revilution begins wikipedia Apr 8, 1917 national war labor board established by woodrow wilson wikipedia May 18, 1917 passage of the selective service act wikipedia Jun 15, 1917 espoinage and sedition acts passed by congress wikipedia Jul 28, 1917 war indurstries board establishedto regulate production production in ww1 wikipedia Aug 10, 1917 food admiisttration set up under herbert hoover wikipedia Jan 1, 1918 world war 1 (labeled as a time period) wikipedia Jan 1, 1918 worldwide flu epidemic kills 30 million wikipedia Oct 16, 1918 Woodrow Wilson presents his Fourteen Points peace plan wikipedia Nov 11, 1918 armistice ends World War I wikipedia Jan 1, 1920 bank failures again wikipedia Jan 21, 1920 signing the Treaty of versallies establishing the peace at the end of World War I wikipedia Oct 1, 1922 Benton Mussolini appointed prime minister of Italy wikipedia May 21, 1927 Charles Lindbergh makes first nonstop transatlantic flight wikipedia Nov 6, 1928 Herbert Hoover elected president [ wikipedia](Charles Lindbergh makes first nonstop transatlantic flight) Oct 1, 1929 Congress creates the SEC wikipedia Oct 29, 1929 stock market crashes Black Tuesday wikipedia Jan 1, 1930 Dust Bowl labeled as a time period wikipedia Jan 1, 1930 Hitler comes to power in Germany wikipedia Jul 7, 1930 Boulder Dam project begins wikipedia Jan 1, 1932 Hoover disband the Bonus Army wikipedia May 21, 1932 Amelia Earhart cross the Atlantic on a solo flight wikipedia Aug 14, 1935 Congress presses a social security act wikipedia Jul 18, 1936 Civil War in Spain wikipedia May 6, 1937 hindenburg disaster wikipedia Jul 7, 1937 Japan invades northern China wikipedia Jan 1, 1938 agricultural adjustment act wikipedia Sep 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland wikipedia Feb 1, 1951 FDR elected presidents once twice three four times wikipedia